The other week I was privileged to be interviewed by David Pallman for his new YouTube channel, Faith Because of Reason. In this interview, I was given the opportunity to share young age creationism with an audience of folks who mostly disagree with it, and even...
102: Part 1 – What is Young Earth Creationism?
The other week I was privileged to be interviewed by David Pallman for his new YouTube channel, Faith Because of Reason. In this interview, I was given the opportunity to share young age creationism with an audience of folks who mostly disagree with it, and even...
101: Does Young Age Creationism Destroy the Faith of Young Christians?
A fairly recent article written by a well-known apologist claims that young age creationism destroys the faith of young people, but I think his claim is misguided and wrongheaded. What does the Bible say about the nature of faith? When we examine closely, it appears...
095: Was God’s Original Creation Perfect?
When discussing origins, the claim is often made that God made a “perfect” creation in the beginning. It’s easy to see why many think this, but is it correct? I think the answer is a resounding “no!” Now, if that sounds troublesome to you, then let me invite you to...
093: (Update 1) William Lane Craig and the Historical Adam
Recently, noted Christian philosopher William Lane Craig announced his next area of study to be the Historical Adam. Dr. Craig is a researcher who is both highly respected and misunderstood by many, so I thought it might be useful and edifying to provide a commentary...
092: No, Genesis 1 Does Not Answer the Age of the Earth Question
A couple of weeks ago, I interviewed Marc Lambert of the Hey, Pastor! Podcast on how to argue for young age creationism without an appeal to Genesis 1. This was an eye-opening discussion for many, but the question was left open as to what Genesis 1 can actually tell...
089: From Jesus to Genesis w/ Marc Lambert
What if we could argue for the age of the earth without ever mentioning Genesis 1? Anyone who regularly argues for the truth of young age creationism will greatly appreciate this helpful lesson from host of the Hey, Pastor! podcast, Marc Lambert. In this episode, Marc...
088: The Odd Thing About Theistic Evolution
There's no doubt that theistic evolutionism---or, as their preferred moniker has it---evolutionary creationism, is on the rise. I could give numerous anecdotal reasons for this, but I'm not inclined to opine on the reasons for the wider trend. In this episode, I...
Coming to Grips with History: A Response to Luke Nix and Cross Examined
A talented blogger, Luke Nix of Faithful Thinkers is an up-and-coming apologist whose work has, from time to time, caught the attention of those responsible for sharing content on the popular Cross Examined blog. Recently, he has taken to task (as others have in the...
086: Darwin Devolves w/ Dr. Michael Behe
Dr. Michael Behe is one of the world's foremost defenders of Intelligent Design theory---the notion that the biological project is not one of random selection and mutation, but rather, the purposeful arrangement of parts by a superior intelligence. His latest book,...