Steve's Book Progress
The Winsome Creationist
Devotional Productivity
What's next?
The Two “Secret Formulas” of Marketing and Storytelling
In this episode, Steve and Al discuss the differences between direct response marketing and brand advertising and which strategy is best for growing your business. They cover: • The key differences between direct response...
Week 9 — Conclusion: Knowing Where to Tinker
Note: This manuscript is taken directly from my current small group series at church on Exploring the Unseen: The Supernatural World of the Bible. Contextual references to other lessons have been retained. The main challenge of this book and Supernatural is not...
Doing ALL to the Glory of God: New Content and Priorities
Over the years, the primary focus of this blog has been apologetics. We’re still going to talk about apologetics. A lot, actually. I’ve got lots of ideas planned. However, there is a trend that has been bothering me—and I think more contribution is needed in this...
The Place of Science in a Supernatural World
In this episode, we examine the question of whether believing in supernatural creation does away with the need for science. Some argue that if God created the world miraculously, then scientific study is pointless. However,...
Week 8 — Chapter 8: Becoming Divine
Note: This manuscript is taken directly from my current small group series at church on Exploring the Unseen: The Supernatural World of the Bible. Contextual references to other lessons have been retained. Romans 8:16–19 (KJV 1900)16 The Spirit itself beareth witness...
Reviewing the FULL Harry Potter Series
In this episode of the Storyworld Podcast, Steve and Alex discuss finally finishing the Harry Potter series, analyze the character development of Severus Snape, and give updates on what they’ve been working on recently....
Week 7 — Chapter 7: The Church as God’s Presence
Note: This manuscript is taken directly from my current small group series at church on Exploring the Unseen: The Supernatural World of the Bible. Contextual references to other lessons have been retained. I. Pentecost: The Launch of Spiritual Warfare Acts 2:1–8 (KJV...
Week 6 — Chapter 6: Believing in Jesus’ Authority
Note: This manuscript is taken directly from my current small group series at church on Exploring the Unseen: The Supernatural World of the Bible. Contextual references to other lessons have been retained. Read Supernatural, chapters 11–12. Read and prepare to discuss...
Week 5 — Chapter 5: Jesus and the Love of God
Note: This manuscript is taken directly from my current small group series at church on Exploring the Unseen: The Supernatural World of the Bible. Contextual references to other lessons have been retained. Read Supernatural, chapters 9–10. Read and prepare to discuss...
Week 4 — Chapter 4: Keeping to the Same Storyline
Note: This manuscript is taken directly from my current small group series at church on Exploring the Unseen: The Supernatural World of the Bible. Contextual references to other lessons have been retained. Read Supernatural, chapters 7–8. Read and prepare to discuss...
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