About Me

Hi, I’m Steve.

I’m an author, speaker, and Bible teacher with a heart for exploring God’s Word and God’s world. I’m interested in the surprising connection between creation, theology, business, and storytelling. The greatest focus of my work is to train Christians to become confident, passionate servants of Jesus, so they can grow in their walk with God and share their faith more persuasively.

It wasn’t always like this, though. There was a time when I lacked the practical knowledge, confidence, and motivation to share Christ with others, engage with God’s word, and become the person God wanted me to be. I was unemployed, overweight, and found myself in a crisis of faith. In that critical period, I felt the call to go deeper into my beliefs, my convictions, and my faith. This spiritual journey, alongside a profound personal transformation involving losing weight and rebuilding my habits, has led me to where I am today.

Through a process of self-education, I fell in love with learning and sharing my knowledge on faith, finance, business, marketing, philosophy, science, family, writing, and more. Over the years, I have written four books on faith and reason, created online courses and mentorship programs, built a successful web design agency, and lost 60lbs to lead a healthier lifestyle.


What I Do

I own NorthMac Services, a boutique marketing and web design agency focused on creating beautiful, easy-to-use WordPress eLearning websites for course creators, membership owners, and online educators of all types. My team is available to help if you have a message to share, are struggling with your own eLearning website, or are ready to invest in a learning platform.

In addition, I write articles, host podcasts, and teach live classes. These efforts allow me to explore themes around creation, theology, business, and storytelling and help more people live a fulfilling life with the awareness of God’s presence, truth, and goodness.

Why Follow This Blog?

You might be wondering why you should spend your valuable time reading my blog. This platform is a culmination of all I have learned and experienced. Here, I explore critical questions about communication in the 21st century, doing business by the Bible, family dynamics, biblical theology, creationism, marketing, and more. 

I used to think engaging God’s Word was about knowing something. It is — but it’s even more about doing something. And as such, its wisdom and truth pervades nearly every area of our lives in important ways.

Be sure to explore the site for faith-affirming articles, book reviews, podcasts, and resources that reflect my commitment to educating others and promoting conversation about important issues.

I also invite you to leave comments on my posts. I welcome interaction and always appreciate hearing from readers whether they agree with my ideas or challenge them.

Finally, I invite you to join my email list. I only send out emails when I believe there’s a lesson of value to share, and I also let you know about new products and services that might interest you.

Thanks for visiting and I hope to connect with you soon,

~ Steve


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