Do Most Christians Believe in Evolution?

In this episode of the Winsome Creationist, host Steve addresses a thought-provoking question from a listener named Ravi. The query revolves around why the majority of Christians are evolutionists and the existence of...

TCQ Week 7: Geology and the Bible

TCQ Week 7: Geology and the Bible

Our study has taken us to some exciting and interesting places. We’ve learned that: Learning about science helps us learn more about God. Science and faith are not enemies—history shows that science started from a belief in God. The difference between scientists who...

TCQ Week 6: Biology and the Bible

TCQ Week 6: Biology and the Bible

When people think about “science vs the Bible,” they often think about evolution vs creation. Did God create everything in six days, or did life evolve over millions of years? Some people who used to be Christians have left their faith because of evolution. They left...

He is RIGHT about young earth creationism…

In this episode of The Winsome Creationist, we examine a clip from Dr. William Lane Craig discussing Young Earth Creationism. We explore Craig's stance on the weaknesses of the evolutionary paradigm, his admission of...

TCQ Week 5: Astronomy and the Bible

TCQ Week 5: Astronomy and the Bible

Until now, we’ve looked at the big picture of science and the Bible. We’ve discussed why Christians should care about science, what science is, how science fits with a supernatural worldview, and the age of the earth. Starting this week, we’ll explore different areas...

TCQ Week 3: Science and the Supernatural

TCQ Week 3: Science and the Supernatural

Last time, we paid special attention to the limits of science. In our quest to see whether science can disprove the Bible, we’ve seen that scientists often commit “category errors” and other logical jumps, taking them out of the realm of science and into philosophy....

Meet Steve

Meet Steve

Hi, I’m Steve, an author, speaker, and Bible teacher with a heart for exploring God’s Word and God’s world.

I’m interested in the surprising connection between creation, theology, business, and storytelling. We explore those themes and more on this blog.

Be sure to browse the site for faith-affirming articles, book reviews, and podcasts!

The Podcast

The Podcast