In this episode of the Winsome Creationist, host Steve addresses a thought-provoking question from a listener named Ravi. The query revolves around why the majority of Christians are evolutionists and the existence of...
Wrestling with Creationism w/ Michael Zwaagstra
Join host Steve on The Winsome Creationist as he sits down with Michael Zwaagstra to explore his journey in education and creationism. They dive deep into maintaining Christian beliefs while engaging with scientific...
Why Creationists Need a General Relativity Solution to the Distant Starlight Problem
In this episode of The Winsome Creationist, Steve welcomes back Dr. Phil Dennis to discuss the necessity of general relativity over special relativity in understanding light and gravitational effects in the universe. Dr....
He is RIGHT about young earth creationism…
In this episode of The Winsome Creationist, we examine a clip from Dr. William Lane Craig discussing Young Earth Creationism. We explore Craig's stance on the weaknesses of the evolutionary paradigm, his admission of...
Jonah’s Story is More Than a Fish Tale
Join us on this episode of My Strange Bible as we dive deep into Jonah Chapter 2. Steve and Alex discuss Jonah's introspective prayer while in the belly of the fish, highlighting themes of God's faithfulness and second...
Satire and Sovereignty: Jonah Chapter 1 Explained
Join us in this exciting episode of My Strange Bible as we delve into Jonah Chapter 1. Our hosts explore the comedic elements and deep theological insights of Jonah's initial defiance of God’s command to go to Nineveh. They...
Let’s Talk About Cain’s Wife… AGAIN
Welcome to another episode of the Winsome Creationist. Today, we're diving into one of the most frequently asked questions in creationism: Where did Cain get his wife? Despite being asked this countless times, it’s a...
Jonah and the Whale: The Untold Story
Ever wondered if the story of Jonah and the whale is more than just a Sunday school tale? Join us on "My Strange Bible" as we dive into the book of Jonah like never before! From misconceptions to fascinating scholarly...
The TRUTH About the Biblical Flood
Join us on this episode of "My Strange Bible," as we delve into the perplexing question: why did God destroy the world with a flood? We explore various perspectives on this ancient narrative, from theological implications to...
The TRUTH About the Biblical Flood
Join us on this episode of "My Strange Bible," as we delve into the perplexing question: why did God destroy the world with a flood? We explore various perspectives on this ancient narrative, from theological implications to...