Faith-Affirming Articles on the Truth of Christianity

The Gods Are Real: A Concise Explanation of the Supernatural Meta-narrative of Scripture
The gods of Israel’s ancient Near Eastern neighbors were not literally made of stone, gold, or any other material. Rather, they were real spiritual beings that had a dramatic—and demonic—influence in the lives of their worshippers.

The Foundation of Faith: Jesus, or the Bible?
A common feature of the debate surrounding apologetic methodology involves speculation as to the ground of our Christian belief. We might summarize the question before us this way: Do we believe in Jesus because we believe the Bible, or do we believe the Bible because we believe in Jesus?

How to Handle Dramatic Changes to Your Theology
Passages such as Hebrews 5:13-14 and 1 Corinthians 3:2 strongly suggest that we must go deeper with God’s Word, which will necessarily lead to a growth in understanding and, quite likely, a change in theology. But change isn’t always easy! How should we handle it?

Genesis 1-11 and the “Textbook Myth”
The Bible is not a “scientific textbook”—of that, I’m sure. But it seems to common among critics of young age creation to claim that we think it is. Why is this, and what can we do about it?

Don’t Fear “the Reaper”: Why Young Earth Creationists Can—and Should—Embrace the Ancient Near-Eastern Background of the Bible
Due to what I consider to be a misuse of ancient Near-Eastern (ANE) backgrounds among evangelical scholars in recent years, many young age creationists have steered clear of broaching this topic. This, I believe, is an error.

Young Earth Claims ≠ Flat Earth Claims
Have you ever heard the idea that it’s just as ridiculous—if not more so—to believe in a flat earth than a young earth? Or, that these two are somehow claims of equal proportions? Find out how to respond to this challenge.

Is the Gap Theory Biblical? Refuting James Knox on the “Gap Fact.”
Does the Bible allow for a large gap of time between the first two verses of the Bible? Few scholars believe this to be the case, and yet the Gap Theory persists as an option for many wishing to reconcile an old earth with the biblical record.

The Neanderthal Problem
How do Neanderthals fit into a biblical worldview? Are cavemen, stone tools, hunter/gatherer lifestyles a threat to a biblically sound, young age creationist viewpoint? I don’t think so. Here’s why!

Christianity makes strong claims! And that’s a good thing.
Christianity makes claims and entrails truths that require all other religious systems to be false. These are strong claims, and I think it’s a good thing we have them. Here’s why.

Why Sin is Bad
The other night at men’s small group, we began discussing sin and its consequences. I spoke up because something occurred to me in a unique way that I thought would be valuable for the group. Namely, why is it that sin is actually bad anyway?