Faith-Affirming Articles on the Truth of Christianity

TCQ Week 6: Biology and the Bible
When people think about “science vs the Bible,” they often think about evolution vs creation. Did God create everything in six days, or did life evolve over millions of years? Some people who used to be Christians have left their faith because of evolution. They left...
He is RIGHT about young earth creationism…
In this episode of The Winsome Creationist, we examine a clip from Dr. William Lane Craig discussing Young Earth Creationism. We explore Craig's stance on the weaknesses of the evolutionary paradigm, his admission of...

TCQ Week 5: Astronomy and the Bible
Until now, we’ve looked at the big picture of science and the Bible. We’ve discussed why Christians should care about science, what science is, how science fits with a supernatural worldview, and the age of the earth. Starting this week, we’ll explore different areas...

TCQ Week 4: Scripture and the Age of the Earth
There are many ways people understand the Bible. Should we take it literally? If so, does that mean all of it? Which parts? If not, can we trust the Bible at all? When it comes to science and the Bible, the disagreement gets even bigger. Some think the Bible and...

TCQ Week 3: Science and the Supernatural
Last time, we paid special attention to the limits of science. In our quest to see whether science can disprove the Bible, we’ve seen that scientists often commit “category errors” and other logical jumps, taking them out of the realm of science and into philosophy....

TCQ Week 2: What is Science?
Last time, we saw that science is essentially the study of the natural world. We looked at why we should care about science and what science has to do with being a Christian. In short, we landed on the fact that in order to care for the natural world (The Dominion...

TCQ Week 1: Introduction: Should Christians Care About Science?
Creation. Science. God’s world. Many people have weaponized God’s world in an attempt to show that, in fact, God’s word is not true. Atheists claim that evolution is “settled science” and that inserting God into the “gaps” of our knowledge is pretentious. If we don’t...
Let’s Talk About Cain’s Wife… AGAIN
Welcome to another episode of the Winsome Creationist. Today, we're diving into one of the most frequently asked questions in creationism: Where did Cain get his wife? Despite being asked this countless times, it’s a...
Is Time Real? w/ Dr. Phil Dennis
Join me and Dr. Phil Dennis for a thought-provoking exploration of time concepts through the lenses of Christianity and creationism. We delve into the contrasting views of presentism and eternalism, dissecting their...
4 Moves to Solve Disagreements Between Science and the Bible
Join me on this episode as I introduce a new approach to addressing disagreements between biblical teaching and modern science. I've developed a four-step process aimed at fostering a faithful exploration of these issues....