Faith-Affirming Articles on the Truth of Christianity

Resistance is Futile–or Is It? A Basic Defense of Monergistic Molinism
For centuries, the reconciliation of God's sovereignty and creaturely freedom has been no small obsession of those who traffic in theological circles. To speak very generally, there are three basic approaches which have historically been pressed into service:...

TCA Lesson 057: BONUS: 5 Reasons Why Neanderthals Were Simply Humans
Our understanding of the existence and life of Neanderthals has been bolstered through new research in recent days. In this bonus lesson, we’re narrating an article written earlier this year which aims to demonstrate that evidence supports the contention that...

3 Reasons I Believe Jesus was a Young Age Creationist
A few weeks ago, I wrote an article arguing that the single most important aspect of apologetics is knowing what the Bible does and does not teach. So while we understand that there are certain issues we might label “secondary,” in the sense that they are not required...

TCA Lesson 056: Series 1 Wrap-Up! The Podcast Returns 9/27/18
This review lesson marks the end of our first official series, "The Destruction of Paradise." Listen in for a brief review of the past 5 weeks, along with a spoiler alert about what's ahead. The podcast returns on 9/27! Subscribe now so you don't miss it when it comes...

Book Review: Union with Christ: The Way to Know and Enjoy God
Every now and then I have a pleasure of reading a book I consider to be transformational and life-changing. Union with Christ by Rankin Wilbourne is one of those books, and I wanted to take a few moments this week to tell you about it. [A side note: This is the first...

Not Every Question Has An Answer–And That’s Okay
Sometimes as Christians we are challenged with questions that we have NO IDEA how to answer. Is this really bad? Does it mean our worldview isn't true? Not at all! Take a listen to learn how you should react in these circumstances.

TCA Lesson 055: Noah Found Grace: Understanding God’s Rescue Plan
In the final teaching lesson of the "Destruction of Paradise" series, we're taking a look at Noah. The Bible teaches that he was a righteous man, but is that why he was spared from the devastating flood waters? I think the answer might surprise you. Listen in this...

5 Reasons You Can’t Answer Objections to Christianity (And What To Do About It)
As Christians committed to sharing our ideas in the public square, inevitably we will encounter difficult scenarios. Perhaps someone has offered a challenge to your convictions that you have never considered before, and this challenge begins to cause you spiritual and...

TCA Lesson 054: Who Were the Sons of God?
One of the most controversial issues in the earliest chapters of the Bible is the identity of the sons of God in Genesis six. I have recently altered my own position on this and have begun to realize its significance to the Flood narrative. This week we'll take a deep...

7 Simple Things Laypeople Can Do to Love God with All Their Mind
There are some questionable data as to the effectiveness of the apologetic enterprise in the church. On one hand, some have referred to this as the "Golden Age of Apologetics." And yet, solid research seems to indicate that many are leaving Christianity. There have...