Faith-Affirming Articles on the Truth of Christianity

TCA Lesson 036: Creation and Predation—What Does the Bible Teach?
In the biblical account of earth history, an important distinction is made about the initial state of the creation. In fact, the Christian answer to death, pain, suffering, and objective evil in the world hinges on this important distinction. This week and next, we'll...

Loving God in the Absence of a Father
How do you love someone you're supposed to love, but don't really know how to love? I lost my father when I was 12 years old. We buried him, as I've written on before, on September 11, 2001--the day "we will never forget." As transparently as I know how to write these...

TCA Lesson 035: A Universe From Nothing?
In an attempt to explain the universe without God, Dr. Lawrence Krauss and others have argued that, indeed, the universe came into existence on its own--yes, a universe from nothing! Does this theory hold up? In this lesson, you’ll learn: The actual definition of...

Genesis 1-11 Merely Polemic?
If Genesis 1-11 is meant to be a polemic account written for the Hebrews, does that discredit the young age Creationist view? This is a common misconception that requires a bit of critical thinking.

How to be a Billy Graham in 2018
At this point we are a month or so removed from the home-going of iconic gospel preacher, Dr. Billy Graham. Since his death, many have written thoughtful and insightful pieces on his life, his message, his work, etc. Many have rightly claimed that there simply will...

TCA Lesson 034: Is Young Age Creationism Pseudoscience? (Part 2)
Last week, we began looking at why young age creationism ought not to be considered a pseudoscientific discipline. We dealt with dinosaurs and the deluge (flood). This week, we look at the topics of dating and Darwin. What does it mean to be pseudoscientific, anyway?...

Therefore, Christianity is False?
Christians and non-Christians alike are often guilty of making basic mistakes in reasoning, or, committing logical fallacies. How can we discern truth from error? Here’s a practical tip.

The Creation Reveals the Transcendence of God
This is a guest contribution made by Pasquale Mingarelli, a friend of our ministry, professional photographer, and talented creation writer/speaker. Theologians like to speak of the attributes of God. One of God’s attributes is His transcendence. The Scriptures...

TCA Lesson 033: Is Young Age Creationism Pseudoscience? (Part 1)
Often, recent creationists endure ridicule from both the secular and Christian communities. Terms like "pseudoscience" are thrown around usually without regard for a proper understanding of the view, and our conclusions are rejected a priori. Is this criticism...

Did God Give Us Meaningless Genealogies in Genesis?
I have a confession to make: Genealogy, anthropology, etc., are not my favorite subjects of study. Be honest--you've probably skipped the reading of those ancient genealogies more than once in your regular Bible study. It's unfortunate, but this apathy seems to have...