Faith-Affirming Articles on the Truth of Christianity
TCA Lesson 031: Uncovering Our Shared World History (BOH Series)
While the evolutionary history of mankind would suggest that we are related only by a common ancestor, the biblical view suggests that not only are we intelligently designed, but also united by a shared world history. What does that history look like, and what can it...
3 Strategies for Navigating Spiritual Conversations
If you've been a reader of my blog for any amount of time, you are likely aware that I'm convinced the Bible teaches us to use presuppositional apologetics. That is, to give a defense of the faith while admitting our bias, standing on God's revealed truth, and...
Argued Into the Kingdom?
Can a person be argued—or persuaded—into the Kingdom of God? The answer might surprise you!
TCA Lesson 030: Who Was Ancient Man? (BOH Series)
If the evolutionary story is true, we should expect to find a very different history of humanity than the one we actually observe. The truth is, there are many ancient marvels that our engineers and scientists have difficulty reproducing today! Does the Christian...
Christianity is About Reality, not Morality!
While nearly all religious systems in the world are centered in on good deeds vs bad deeds, Christianity stands alone in its claims. It is not simply one choice in the religious buffet; it’s the only game in town! This is because Christianity is not simply about good...
3 Reasons Our Ministry is Changing Creation Learning. Forever.
Since the beginning days of the modern creation science movement, creation learning has come a long way. As a student of the greats such as Dr. Henry Morris, Dr. Gary Parker, and those who have followed in their footsteps, I have taken a keen interest in promoting the...
Why “Freethinkers” are Actually Determinists
Have you ever encountered a self-proclaimed freethinker? These are those who except rationality and reason, supposedly, over the dogmatic claims of any religion or Bible. But if their assumed atheism is true, then by definition, there is no such thing as a...
The Significance of a Personal Creator
Who is the God of the Bible? Is He really concerned with us—as small as we are? As unbelievable as this sounds, it’s what the Bible seems to teach!
Are Some Sins Worse Than Others?
Sometimes, it can be difficult to convey the idea of sin to someone in a conversation. The truth is, most people don’t realize what sin is. I’ve heard it asked, is hell hotter for some than it is for others? We explore that question in this video.
Blessed…by Whom?
Have your ever spoken to professing unbelievers who appear to be grateful, thankful, and blessed? It strikes me as odd that you can be blessed in any sense other than BY SOMEONE for SOMETHING. But, absent God, who is the unbeliever thankful to?