Faith-Affirming Articles on the Truth of Christianity

Epigenetics for the Rest of Us: Does it help the Creationist’s Case Against Evolution?
Every day, more and more scientific discoveries are unveiling the mind and ways of our omnipotent Creator. While science can never hope to uncover the ways of God, since they are "higher than ours" (Isaiah 55:9), science can help us better understand God's world in...

TCA Lesson 011: Why Creationists Should Be EXCITED About New Mainstream Discoveries
"Doom and gloom" creationism is out; the New Creationism is in! For so long, creationists have been known more for what we are against, rather than what we are for. This should change! Look--we all realize the bankruptcy of evolution theory. And, that is something we...

My Journey from Evidential to Presuppositional Apologetics
Apologetics, as a theological discipline, has been practiced in a variety of ways over the years. However, in order to paint with a broad brush, there are two overarching types: Evidential and Presuppositional. The former is a plea to what may be called "natural...

TCA Lesson 010: Flood Myths and Dates vs. the Biblical Account
When you think of the Biblical Flood account, have you ever wondered if there is cultural evidence for such a deluge outside of the Bible? As it turns out, there are over 500 flood myths and legends worldwide! We're going to look at the similarities, differences, and...

4 Reasons Atheists Shouldn’t Care if the Bible Has Contradictions
I am sometimes flabbergasted by the nature of the arguments raised against belief in Christianity and the God of the Bible. There are certainly good questions to be asked--don't get me wrong! But one of the most attractive elements of Orthodox Christianity is the...

TCA Lesson 009: Can the Flood Explain the Geologic Column?
The geologic column is often cited as fool-proof evidence for evolution. In fact, it is so good and so well-explains the naturalistic assumptions that we would almost have it to concede if we could not explain this from a Biblical worldview. Of course, we know of a...

4 Key Reasons for Joy in the Life of a Christian
All throughout the ages, the inner workings of the Christian life have been questioned. Motives have been put on trial, and Christians have been literally burned at the stake and beheaded for the beliefs they claim. Everybody wants to know why. Many believe they have...

TCA Lesson 008: Basic Flood Sedimentology
The flood of Noah's day is much more than a fairy tale. We believe this describes a real event that happened as part of earth's past. If that's true, we should find evidence in the rock formations found around the world that indicates rapid, catastrophic moving of...

Finding God in Natural Evil and Suffering
Note: This post makes mention of Ravi Zacharias. It is with a heavy heart that I must acknowledge a tragic independent report concerning evidence of sexual abuse and predatory behavior on the part of Ravi Zacharias. This man was a huge inspiration to me, as is evident...

TCA Lesson 007: Do Darwin’s Famous Finches Prove Evolution?
It is quite notable that the notion of Darwinian Evolution has survived as long as it has considering the lack of observable evidence. Yet, it is the reigning scientific dogma of our day! How is this possible? Could Darwin's famous finches really prove evolution after...