Faith-Affirming Articles on the Truth of Christianity

3 Apologetic Habits to Form in Your Home
If we, as a culture, are to begin thinking critically about our faith and really learn how to defend it in the marketplace of ideas, we are going to have to start forming some good habits. Did you know that habits are typically more effective than goal-setting? There...

Knowing Christianity to be True vs. Showing Christianity to be True
If you couldn't tell, I love apologetics. I think it so cool to be able to take the gospel, which many disbelieve, and prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it really is true! In fact, I think that you really begin to fall more and more in love with God as you learn,...

3 Reasons Why Questions are More Important than Statements
In this great age of ideas we are living, it can be hard to know what anyone really believes about the world. In this extremely eye-opening study, the Barna Research Group made some staggering discoveries about what practicing Christians believe. Here are just a few...

The Sheer Absurdity of Stephen Hawking’s “100 Years” Problem
At one time, "end of days" prophecies were limited to religious fanatics. But not anymore. In a new documentary titled Expedition New Earth, Hawking makes the outrageous claim that factors such as climate change will force us to look for another planet to inhabit....

Is Faith in God Rational?
There exists a huge divide and disconnect inside of the greater Christian community today. Unfortunately, the philosophy of the world has begun to creep its way inside of the church over the last few centuries, leading many pastors and other church leaders to reject...

Mike Pence and Bill O’Reilly: The Difference of Carelessness in Positions of Influence
In recent days, Mike Pence and Bill O'Reilly--two figureheads in evangelicalism--have been given the limelight. Each, of course, for a completely different reason. In many ways, these individuals are completely unrelated, but in one very important way, there is a...

Does the Age of the Earth Matter, or is it a Secondary Doctrine?
All of my life, I have been in Independent Baptist Churches, Amen! One of the things we have always taken very seriously and very literally is the Genesis creation account. Growing up, I really didn't believe this to be a point of contention at all! Sure, I was just...

Did Jesus ever Claim to be God?
A huge point of contention among "offshoots" of classical Christian doctrine is whether or not Jesus is actually God. For instance, Mormons assert that Jesus was the Son of God and possessed the nature of "a God," but they also believe this about us. Foundational to...

Is “Truth” Foundational to Knowledge?
Note: This post makes mention of Ravi Zacharias. It is with a heavy heart that I must acknowledge a tragic independent report concerning evidence of sexual abuse and predatory behavior on the part of Ravi Zacharias. This man was a huge inspiration to me, as is evident...

Do All Lives Really Matter? Only if Christianity is True!
The sanctity of life is an issue being debated front and center right now in our culture. As Christians, we believe that human life--ALL human life--really does matter. Black lives matter, white lives matter, yellow lives matter, big lives matter, and little lives...