Faith-Affirming Articles on the Truth of Christianity

The Importance of Believing True Things
"Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me." - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn These days, it's harder than ever to get to the bottom of the truth. Unfortunately, relativism is alive and well. And sometimes, it's downright...

The One Question Critics of a Literal Genesis Need to Answer
When it comes to the very first chapters of the Bible, there is no shortage of disagreement about the meaning. Some, like myself, think that Moses wrote these early chapters and that he intended to teach God's creation of the world in terms of six, literal, 24 hour...

God’s Word Builds God’s Church
In our day and age, it's common to hear that people are no longer interested in church. After all, many churches are having to resort to gimmicks in order to even get people in the door! But I wonder if the problem is of a different nature entirely? That's the subject...

The Power of Subjectivity
In our pursuits to be careful and skilled apologists, I think we often get concerns relative to objectivity and subjectivity out of balance. Don't get me wrong---the distinction is vitally important, but we must remember that our own subjective stories about how the...

How Christians Made the Bible Boring (And What You Can Do About It)
“I began my teaching career at a Bible college, where I inherited the “next generation” of Christian young people—an age group that is now the adult leadership in their churches. Since these students had chosen to go to Bible college, I presumed they were the most...

Yep, Christians Should Go to Church
Perhaps I have never written a more obvious, and yet, a more needed blog post than this one. However, there is more nuance to the discussion, and as Christianity becomes less “popular” here in the West, we may be forced to think more carefully about this issue than we...

Did Early Christians Practice Socialism or Communism?
To the chagrin of many Christians today, it may be surprising to learn that some scholars and laypersons have, throughout history, used to the Bible to justify belief in systems of socialism and even communism. ((See here, for example:...

RANT: Creation Frustration
Young age creationists may be some of the most misunderstood people in Christendom. In this week’s episode, we discuss some of the core differences that surround the divide. Recently, a Facebook friend of mine (and good brother in Christ) raised a startling...

The “New” Objective Morality
The final days of the 20th century and beginning days of the 21st were rife with socio-political drama. But they marked “the beginning of the end” for a trend that used to prevalent in Western society—“relativism.” Now, I can hear some of you objecting already. These...

Jesus as Creator—and Sustainer—Of All Things (John 1:3)
When we think of the name “Jesus” any number of images immediately come to mind. We think of Jesus as the One who died for us. We think of him as the Lord of all and Savior-King. We think of him as the baby, lying in a manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes. But what...