Confidence for the Christian | A Challenge for the Skeptic

The Relationship Between Truth and Sincerity
Is there any direct relationship between truth and sincerity? If a Muslim or Christian can be demonstrated to be more sincere than the other, what does that say about the nature of their "God?" Here's a quick reflection on this line of thinking.

5 Reasons Why Neanderthals Were Simply Humans
Perhaps one of the most heated questions in the origins debate is that of the existence of Adam, and his “relationship”—whatever that may mean—to other fossil forms which have been found and interpreted according to the conventional paradigm. Those who spend much time...

TCA Lesson 049: Can We Ever Find the Biblical Kinds?
Young age creationism suggests that Darwinian Evolution theory is incorrect. But this means most biological research today is headed in the wrong direction! How can this be? In this lesson, we discuss “baraminology”—or, the study of “created kinds.”

Balance: Combating Christian Defeatism
Last week, we dealt with the false gospel that necessarily follows from an attitude of triumphalism. Today, we deal with the exact opposite: the false gospel that follows from a person with an attitude of defeatism. Let’s be honest—we all know this person. She is...

Deductions vs Inferences
It's helpful to know a little bit about logic. We use it every day--even if we're not aware! Here's a short clip explaining the difference between a logical deduction and a reasonable inference.

TCA Lesson 048: On the Nature of “First Light”
If days 1-3 of creation are ordinary days as indicated by Genesis 1, yet have no sun to produce sunlight, what was "first light?" This week, we give a few scientific suggestions. But are these scientific suggestions necessary? Our fundamental presuppositions about how...

Balance: Combating Christian Triumphalism
Note: This post makes mention of Ravi Zacharias. It is with a heavy heart that I must acknowledge a tragic independent report concerning evidence of sexual abuse and predatory behavior on the part of Ravi Zacharias. This man was a huge inspiration to me, as is evident...

TCA Lesson 047: Dealing with Day Six
A common claim of those opposed to young age creationism is that the events of Day Six pose a problem. How can Adam have named so many animals? Did trees grow at supernatural speeds? The questions are many, and this week will be devoted to answering them. In this...

Personhood: The Key to Understanding Objective Morality
Note: This post makes mention of Ravi Zacharias. It is with a heavy heart that I must acknowledge a tragic independent report concerning evidence of sexual abuse and predatory behavior on the part of Ravi Zacharias. This man was a huge inspiration to me, as is evident...

Can People in Heaven See What Happens on Earth?
There is some confusion about the "great cloud of witnesses" mentioned in Hebrews 12. Based on the context of this passage, here are my thoughts.