Confidence for the Christian | A Challenge for the Skeptic

Is Pandeism a Viable Explanation for the Universe?
Not long ago, an article was shared by the team at Answers in Genesis on the topic of Deism. I shared this on my twitter timeline and was intrigued by a response I received: I have to be honest--until this point, I had never heard of Pandeism! And...

What Should a Christian Do When Joy Seems Impossible?
Part of the Christian life is experiencing pain, suffering, and even tragedy. It can be hard to navigate these feelings, and even harder to make sense of why life seems to "unfair." Unfortunately, teachers who have left biblical doctrine and subscribed to false...

5 Ways to Take your Bible Study to the Next Level
No doubt, God's revelation to us through His Word has changed your life and mine in the most significant of ways. As I grow in the knowledge of God, it becomes even more evident that no amount of Scripture study can possibly lead to fullness of understanding. That...

Investigating the Undeniable Accuracy of the Bible
The accuracy of the Bible has been questioned throughout the centuries. In a world that has seen the rising and overthrowing of multiple governments and religious figures, many have stopped clamoring for truth. Since "truth" seems to mean something different to...

4 Steps to Answering and Confronting Sincere Disbelief
Every once in a while, you will encounter an unbeliever with a unique reasoning for why they have not come to the faith. We are quite used to seeing those who claim to have intellectual barriers, but have you ever encountered an individual who wanted to believe, but...

Why I Use the Term “Unbeliever” Instead of “Atheist”
When I first started getting interested in Apologetics, I found a recurring theme. It seemed like every apologist and writer out there was using the term "Atheist" to describe those who were opposed to the idea of Christianity. As a result, I quickly found myself...

Is it Circular to Prove the Bible with the Bible?
The Bible is indisputably the most life-changing Book in the history of our world. Kings and Kingdoms have fallen, oppressive leaders have vanished off the scene, and contemporary ideologies have come and gone in the blink of an eye. Through it all, the Bible and the...

Why Didn’t God Give the Light Source for Creation Days 1-3?
There is a huge disconnect in all of Christendom when it comes to the issue of "Days" presented in Genesis 1. There are individuals who, at the end of the day, stake their entire ministry on that being a fact! Ken Ham from Answers in Genesis states, "What I believe...

Does an Unbeliever Need to Know God to be Morally Good?
Note: This post makes mention of Ravi Zacharias. It is with a heavy heart that I must acknowledge a tragic independent report concerning evidence of sexual abuse and predatory behavior on the part of Ravi Zacharias. This man was a huge inspiration to me, as is evident...

3 Reasons Why the Atheistic Worldview is Bankrupt
Everyone has a worldview. Whether it be a Christian Worldview, Atheistic Worldview, Materialistic Naturalistic Worldview, etc., we all have a lens (view) through which we interpret the world. Often, when we find ourselves in discussions with those who fundamentally...