Deep down we all know that willpower doesn’t work. That doesn’t stop us from pretending it does, though. Dr. Ben Hardy wants to reshape our ideas of how to get things done, achieve goals, and transform ourselves by changing our environment. The book (affiliate link)...
Tactics: A Must-Have Manual on Sharing Your Faith
Just last month, Greg Koukl released the 10th-anniversary edition of Tactics—a must-read book that has been instrumental in my life—which has been updated and expanded with over 40% new content! While there’s much I could say, I’d love to just zoom in on my top three takeaways.
084: Thoughts on “The Quest” by Todd Wood
Few creationists are as misunderstood as biologist and head of the Core Academy of Science, Dr. Todd Wood. Wood is a adamant defender of young age creationism and has completed two books in recent days that help to clarify his position and also share his position with...
Book Review: Faith Across the Multiverse
If ever there was a book that made me say, "Well...that was unexpected!" it has to be this one: Faith Across the Multiverse by computational biologist, Andy Walsh. Dr. Walsh is a force to be reckoned with, make no mistake. His vast array of knowledge spanning across...
Book Review: The Bible Among the Myths
Old Testament scholar John Oswalt delivers a much-needed and thoroughgoing treatment of a difficult, and important topic today: The Bible Among the Myths. It is common today for many to dismiss the claims of the Bible on the basis of the long-disproven claims of its...
Book Review: Union with Christ: The Way to Know and Enjoy God
Every now and then I have a pleasure of reading a book I consider to be transformational and life-changing. Union with Christ by Rankin Wilbourne is one of those books, and I wanted to take a few moments this week to tell you about it. [A side note: This is the first...