The old preacher once said, "I'm glad for the pie in sky when I die, but I'd like some steak on my plate while I wait!" Although this is a lighthearted remark, sadly, it is representative of the way a vast number of people understand classical Christianity. The idea...
The Seed, the Soil, and the Soul
The feeling is all too familiar for those who spend a considerable amount of time in witnessing, evangelism, and defense of Christianity. There are times when it seems the fruit is plenteous and abundant, and times when it seems our words are simply not connecting...
Christian Privilege?
A recent news article highlights a seminar at George Washington University (GWU) on "combating 'Christian privilege' in America." It claims that "Christians get 'unmerited perks.'" The campus offers seminars on other "privileges" as well (such as heterosexual...
Loving God in the Absence of a Father
How do you love someone you're supposed to love, but don't really know how to love? I lost my father when I was 12 years old. We buried him, as I've written on before, on September 11, 2001--the day "we will never forget." As transparently as I know how to write these...
How to be a Billy Graham in 2018
At this point we are a month or so removed from the home-going of iconic gospel preacher, Dr. Billy Graham. Since his death, many have written thoughtful and insightful pieces on his life, his message, his work, etc. Many have rightly claimed that there simply will...
Stewarding Knowledge: 3 Biblical Habits for the New Year
It's been well-said that Christianity is a "bookish" religion. While this has a negative connotation in some respects, I find it to be extremely interesting in its contrariety to the common notion that Christianity is only for cavemen, the misinformed, and those who...
10 Important Lessons Christians can Learn from Steve Urkel
I'm sure you're wondering why, on a Christian Apologetics blog, you are reading a post about Steve Urkel. No worries--I find myself wondering why I am writing it, even as I type the words! That said, my family and I have been re-watching the hit 90's show Family...
5 Biblical Steps to a Great New Year
As 2017 draws to an immediate close, it would be instructive for us, as Christians, to step into the future and begin to pray about and look towards 2018. It's unfortunate that regularly practicing apologetics often leaves us in the clouds, as it were. That is, we...
How Should Christian Families Handle Santa Claus?
As an apologist, I often try to write on and address a wide range of issues. Sometimes, it is the most subtle of these issues that have the most profound impact on our culture. It's for that I reason I feel we must take a serious look at the issue of Santa Claus and...
How Can a Christian Make Sense of Personal Tragedy?
Note: This post makes mention of Ravi Zacharias. It is with a heavy heart that I must acknowledge a tragic independent report concerning evidence of sexual abuse and predatory behavior on the part of Ravi Zacharias. This man was a huge inspiration to me, as is evident...