Every now and then, we must return to the "basics"! In this special episode, I talk about a new product I've just released and give some thoughts about what I think is the most important "basic" of all: integrity. In this lesson, you’ll learn: Why getting back to the...
TCA Lesson 045: Creation in the News: Today’s Species are “Recent?”
A recent paper has caused quite a bit of stir in the creation science community, allegedly claiming that new research shows that the majority of today’s species are “recent”—within 200,000 years old. While this sounds like a great win for advocates of recent creation,...
Defending a Young Earth: A Response to Tyler Vela (Part 2)
In recent days, a talented, skillful, and gracious Christian apologist named Tyler Vela has been advocating in defense of a particular brand of "framework hypothesis." Although he claims to have "no dog" in the "age of the earth debate," that has not stopped him from...
TCA Lesson 044: Understanding Common Evolutionary Terms (Goal Posts–Part 5)
When talking about creation and evolution, there is often a gigantic disconnect in the way terms are used and understood. Worse, there are terms we often use as creationists that unknowingly give unjust ground to evolutionary thinking! Learn how to work through those...
Defending a Young Earth: A Response to Tyler Vela (Part 1)
In recent days, a talented, skillful, and gracious Christian apologist named Tyler Vela has been advocating in defense of a particular brand of "framework hypothesis." Although he claims to have "no dog" in the "age of the earth debate," that has not stopped him from...
TCA Lesson 043: Getting Worldviews Right (Goal Posts–Part 4)
When we look at the concept of worldview, the problem of redefinition is rampant. Even terms like "Christian" and "atheist" are misunderstood. In this lesson, we'll tackle these terms and more and try to get an accurate understanding. In this lesson, you’ll learn: Why...
TCA Lesson 042: Evolution, Kinds, and Species (Goal Posts–Part 3)
Please be advised that in this lesson, I erroneously confused intrabaraminic diversification with interbaraminic diversification. Intrabaraminic diversification has to do with the diversification of species within a created kind. Interbaraminic diversification has to...
No, the Bible does NOT Teach Geocentricity
Those of us who claim to hold to a natural interpretation of God's Word can expect to face certain criticism. The fact is that many aim to downplay the historical veracity of the Bible in an attempt to make believing in its truth seem either more convenient, or wholly...
TCA Lesson 041: What on Earth is Science? (Goal Posts–Part 2)
One of the most misunderstood and incorrectly used words in the origins debate today is none other than science. What does it really mean, and what other definitions get incorrectly lumped in with it? That’s the sole subject matter of today’s lesson. In this lesson,...
TCA Lesson 040: Stop Shifting the Goal Posts! (Part 1)
"It's just semantics!", right? How we communicate with one another is vitally important. It has everything to do with our Christian witness, and also, our ability to get the ear of those we have important conversations with. Evolutionists, creationists, etc. need to...