While we’d all like to think we are prone to rational discourse, we nevertheless can be deceived into thinking that just because someone is smart, they are a careful thinker. As the example of Jesus, Paul, and parents everywhere shows—this is not necessarily the case.
Who are the “gods” of Psalm 82?
I’ve recently been in a discussion with a friend of mine (and faithful reader of the blog!) about the divine council worldview. Among other things, we discussed concerns about the “gods” of Psalm 82. Just who are they, anyway?
What is Ministry?
What is ministry? The word “ministry” has a variety of contexts, and I think it’s something quite often misunderstood. It’s much more than a profession.
Do Miracles Happen?
Do miracles happen? One of the primary reasons people take issue with religious thought is that it almost necessarily involves a concept of the miraculous—an offensive idea to one living in the 21st century West. We’ve got it all figured out, right?
How Can I Know I’m Saved?
Without a doubt, one of the most important questions one can ask is, “How can I know I’m saved?” In many ways, this is the most basic question a person can ask! And yet, the question is actually quite complex. As we explore a biblical answer to this question, it may be as good a time as any to reflect honestly on your answer.
On Lydia McGrew’s Maximal Data Approach to Presenting the Resurrection of Jesus
We’re just off the heels of another Easter season, which should be a favorite time of year for all Christians. I know it is one of mine! We not only get to celebrate our Savior’s Passion for us, but we are presented with new opportunities to present it in the public arena.
Marriage in the Bible and Sinning Against God
Many make the mistaking of thinking marriage is more of a constitutional union. In other words, one is married insofar as they have a piece of paper that declares it to be so. This isn’t necessarily wrong, but it is not the full picture.
It’s Wonderful to Be a Bible Nerd
Today I’m extremely excited to announce the latest rebrand of our podcast, The Bible Nerd Podcast. Learn more about why I chose to go in this direction and how I think it will impact things going forward.
Should Christians Study the Hebrew and Greek Texts of the Bible Today?
Much time, money, and effort is given to the process of discovering the accurate reading and understanding of biblical texts. With the availability of God’s Word in unprecedented abundance, a question is raised in the minds of many Christians today—is it important to study the original languages of the Bible?
Atheism and the Problem of Bad Theology
Part of the problem when sharing your faith with biblical skeptics is that, more often than not, they have little training in biblical theology, which often results in their having a bad theology. But Christians can be guilty of this, too! Here’s the nature of the problem, and some steps toward overcoming it.