102: Part 1 – What is Young Earth Creationism?

102: Part 1 – What is Young Earth Creationism?

The other week I was privileged to be interviewed by David Pallman for his new YouTube channel, Faith Because of Reason. In this interview, I was given the opportunity to share young age creationism with an audience of folks who mostly disagree with it, and even...

100: The Glory and Enjoyment of God

100: The Glory and Enjoyment of God

What is the chief end of man? According to the Westminster Shorter Catechism, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and enjoy him forever.” But what does that mean for us? The Bible is clear (see Revelation 4:11) that we are created for God and his glory. Thus, we can...

099: Not Convinced ≠ No Evidence

099: Not Convinced ≠ No Evidence

When evaluating the evidence for Christian truth claims, many skeptics assert there simply is no evidence. What can we make of such an assessment? When folks talk about evidence (whether atheist, Christian, or otherwise), they often make the mistake of relegating the...

098: Read the Text for Yourself!

098: Read the Text for Yourself!

What’s the best way to know exactly what truths God meant to convey in his Word? Read the text! It’s easy in a world full of scholarly opinion to rest on the laurels of those you trust as faithful interpreters, but scholars have competing opinions, and you should be...

097: Responding to an Internet Atheist Tirade

097: Responding to an Internet Atheist Tirade

The Christian faith is robust and able to withstand even the most challenging of attacks. But some attacks are really only challenging prima facie (at face value). A deeper dive reveals that many challenges are so superficial they hardly require a defense. In this...

096: Remembrance

096: Remembrance

It’s the 4th of July here in America—a day we celebrate our independence as a nation. And, for Christians, a day to remember how good God is to us to live in the country we do. In my Bible reading I recently came across Exodus 13:8–9 which reads: And thou shalt shew...

094: Moral Facts Must Be Grounded

094: Moral Facts Must Be Grounded

Are moral facts obvious, and if so, can they be accounted for objectively? That's the question before us in this week's episode of the Steve Schramm Show. We'll take a look at what philosophers mean by the notion of "intuition" and make the case that objective moral...

Meet Steve

Meet Steve

Hi, I’m Steve, an author, speaker, and Bible teacher with a heart for exploring God’s Word and God’s world.

I’m interested in the surprising connection between creation, theology, business, and storytelling. We explore those themes and more on this blog.

Be sure to browse the site for faith-affirming articles, book reviews, and podcasts!

The Podcast

The Podcast