One of the most controversial issues in the earliest chapters of the Bible is the identity of the sons of God in Genesis six. I have recently altered my own position on this and have begun to realize its significance to the Flood narrative. This week we'll take a deep...
TCA Lesson 053: A Flood of Evidence
This week, I was interviewed by fellow apologist, Marc Lambert. Marc hosts the “Hey, Pastor!” podcast and is also a member of The Mentionables Network. We deal with the question, “If there was a global flood, why did God hide all of the evidence for it?” It was a...
TCA Lesson 052: Why Adam was a Historical Figure w/ Dr. Edgar Andrews
A growing trend amongst evangelicals today is to mythicize the biblical account of Adam and Eve. In his latest book, Dr. Edgar Andrews has taken that position to task and attempted to thoughtfully persuade readers of the necessity of a historical Adam. In this lesson,...
TCA Lesson 051: The Theology of God’s Perfect Creation
The Psalmist said that the "heavens declare the glory of God." And, as we find in Romans 1, God has made himself evident in his creation. Today's lesson--the first in our brand new series, "The Destruction of Paradise"--deals with what can be learned about the nature...
TCA Lesson 050: New Things
This week, we share a ministry update! This is the milestone 50th episode for us, praise God! Things have been happening around here, and we're excited for what the Lord is doing. We introduce a slightly new format for the podcast going forward, and give on an update...
TCA Lesson 049: Can We Ever Find the Biblical Kinds?
Young age creationism suggests that Darwinian Evolution theory is incorrect. But this means most biological research today is headed in the wrong direction! How can this be? In this lesson, we discuss “baraminology”—or, the study of “created kinds.”
TCA Lesson 048: On the Nature of “First Light”
If days 1-3 of creation are ordinary days as indicated by Genesis 1, yet have no sun to produce sunlight, what was "first light?" This week, we give a few scientific suggestions. But are these scientific suggestions necessary? Our fundamental presuppositions about how...
TCA Lesson 047: Dealing with Day Six
A common claim of those opposed to young age creationism is that the events of Day Six pose a problem. How can Adam have named so many animals? Did trees grow at supernatural speeds? The questions are many, and this week will be devoted to answering them. In this...
TCA Lesson 046: Getting Back to Creation Science Basics
Every now and then, we must return to the "basics"! In this special episode, I talk about a new product I've just released and give some thoughts about what I think is the most important "basic" of all: integrity. In this lesson, you’ll learn: Why getting back to the...
TCA Lesson 045: Creation in the News: Today’s Species are “Recent?”
A recent paper has caused quite a bit of stir in the creation science community, allegedly claiming that new research shows that the majority of today’s species are “recent”—within 200,000 years old. While this sounds like a great win for advocates of recent creation,...