While you may believe in and even have a Biblical understanding of the Creation Science position, have you ever really considered it scientifically? That's what we're doing in this series! We're going to explore a variety of topics in 10 short lessons to give us a...
TCA Lesson 003: Why I’m a Creationist (+ Why You Should Be Too)
Have you ever considered why you are a creationist? You may be a creationist, but for the wrong reasons! In this episode, we not only explore why I’m a Biblical creationist, but why I believe you should be too. In fact, we find that Jesus was! That’s good enough for...
TCA Lesson 002: Building a Better Framework for Biblical Creationism
In this week's lesson, we're talking about all things Creation. We examine the historical landscape of Biblical Creationism, and discuss what might be a better way forward. In this lesson, you'll learn: Who founded the modern Creation movement. Where Creation has been...
TCA Lesson 001: Radiometric Dating and Faulty Assumptions
Hey Everyone! In this week's lesson, we are talking about radiometric dating! We talk about what it is, what it means for recent creationism, and how to look at the world with a different set of assumptions. In this lesson, you'll learn: A short history of geological...