066: God and the World of Insects w/ Josh Shoemaker and Dr. Gary Braness (Part 1)

Nov 29, 2018 | Creation, Podcast

Perhaps there is no one more qualified than Josh Shoemaker and Dr. Gary Braness, with advanced degrees and certifications in apologetics, chemistry, and entomology (the study of insects) to shed light on the largely unexplored territory of God and the world of insects.

Insects are really an amazing part of God’s creation.

And though our childhood fascination with them usually begins to wain as we grow older, these two motivated Christian entomologists are calling for us to leave behind our entomological apathy and once again embrace a spirit of wonder and excitement about this, one of the “smallest”—and yet most expansive—facets of God’s world.

Their new book, aptly titled God and the World of Insects, takes the reader on an exciting journey.

Filled with information covering the theological, the entomological, the philosophical, and even the environmental, God and the World of Insects offers stunning new insight—using the latest available scientific research—into the incredible design of these creatures.

In part one of our two-part discussion, we discuss their motivation for writing this book, and even begin to dive into this amazing world looking at the incredible convergence of insect species across the globe, and the intricacies of beetle design and environmental impact.

Don’t miss it!

In this lesson, you’ll learn:

  1. The story of two motivated entomologists who have begun to change the way people think about insects from a Christian perspective.
  2. Why collaboration in the Christian community is important, and how it leads to a greater impact for the Kingdom of God.
  3. How beetles—boasting the most abundant number of species in the world—are a crucial part of our ecosystem by filling unique ecological niches.
  4. Why the phenomena of “convergence” deals a striking blow to evolutionary naturalism, and how design makes better sense of the data.

Mentioned in this lesson:

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Meet Steve

Hi, I’m Steve, an author, speaker, and Bible teacher with a heart for exploring God’s Word and God’s world.

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