How to Love the Bible: New Book Coming Soon! (And a Sneak Peak)

Apr 21, 2020 | Ministry Update

From the very beginning, this blog ( has been more formal and content-driven than a traditional blog.

That is not going to change; however, I am going to take the opportunity, I think, to, in the middle of the usual posting schedule, write spontaneously as well.

This would be about ministry update things, speaking engagements, podcast interviews I am featured in, other interesting resources, and random quick thoughts about current events.

So in that spirit, I’d love to inform you of a new self-published book project I am working on!

The working title is How to Love the Bible (And Beat Bible Boredom Once and For All).

I’m really excited about this! Spiritual apathy is one of the toughest issues we face today. People are content without God.

In a world where we ostensibly have everything we need, folks are offended at the idea that they even need a Savior. Sadly, some of this mentality has bled over into the church.

Many Christians today don’t love their Bibles, and I want to help change that.

So, my prayer is that this book project will fall into the hands of those who have grown cold and apathetic toward God, or who know they need to read and study their Bible more, but can’t seem to get motivated to do so.

Here’s an excerpt from the intro:

Far from our modern (and quite Western) habit of compartmentalization, biblical writers lived a life deeply entrenched in their worldview. Their beliefs about God were by no means ancillary. Instead, they were allowed to permeate all aspects of life. Arguably—although I’m no historian—this kind of thing can be seen pretty consistently at least up until the time of the great Puritan writers. Again, to think that we can somehow separate our ultimate beliefs about reality from the minutiae of daily living is quite a foreign concept, historically speaking. This is something I often call “practical atheism,” and for the remainder of this book, that’s how we’ll refer to this way of thinking. The error is easy to recognize and even define: Why think that when we go to work, or when we visit with friends, or when we go on vacation, we are any less Christian? The answer is that many treat Christianity as a set of principles rather than a matter of identity. How far we’ve strayed from a biblical worldview! The Apostle Paul said, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith” (Galatians 2:20). Notice that Paul is not here pledging loyalty to an idea, neither is he signing up to membership for an organization. Rather, for Paul, to be a Christian is to be in Christ and Christ in you. The central argument of this book is, therefore, one to restore the centrality of our faith. Because if being a Christian is not merely belonging to an organization but is rather a matter of our personal identity, it therefore follows that Christianity is not something you do, but it’s someone you are. Christ said of his relationship to the Father, “I do always those things that please him.” May it ever be our desire to say the same. The question then becomes, what does it mean to actually do this? To restore the centrality of our faith? It seems to me the only clear answer to this question is a return to God’s Word, his special revelation to us.

As of right now, I am close to the completion of chapter two (out of a planned seven). Lord willing, this will be ready to go late June/early July. Using some of the additional time the COVID-19 quarantine has afforded me to work on this project.

Please pray with me that God will use it!

Meet Steve

Meet Steve

Hi, I’m Steve, an author, speaker, and Bible teacher with a heart for exploring God’s Word and God’s world.

I’m interested in the surprising connection between creation, theology, business, and storytelling. We explore those themes and more on this blog.

Be sure to browse the site for faith-affirming articles, book reviews, and podcasts!

The Podcast

The Podcast