God, Teach Me to be Less Indifferent

Jan 29, 2019 | Apologetics, Article, Current Events, Ethics

I have a question for you.

Do you ever feel so charred—so jaded—about the goings on of the culture around you? And yet, your typical response is plain old indifference.

You feel empathy—at least, you think you do. But at the same time the insanity has become so ubiquitous it feels like you’re drowning in a sea of unrighteousness.

Frankly, that is how I feel lately.

If you’ll allow me to bear my burden for a moment, I have a problem. And you probably have it to, if you’re willing to admit it. We suffer from apathy.

We are passionate about the gospel, and even about sharing it. We don’t like to see sinful practices ruminating about the culture and even seeping into the lives of those we care about deeply. But we do see it. And often, we’re silent. I’m silent.

So, I’m writing to myself for just a few moments.

Feel free to listen in; maybe it’ll be of help.

God, teach me to be less indifferent.

It’d be hard not to notice the frenzy of excitement (on the Left) and outrage (on the Right) about the recent bill passed in New York.

Political commentary aside, this is a big deal. Insofar as unborn babies are just as human as born babies (and they are), this is a tragedy of the worst kind.

Everyone is reacting.

Social media is absolutely ablaze with commentary around this issue; and yet, I’ve remained kind of silent.

I feel as though my silence is justified by virtuous intentions. That is, I’ve told myself “I don’t want to add to the noise.” And quite frankly, if you’re a person that’s not able to remain objective and fair-minded, perhaps you should take that advice.

But that’s not me. And I know it.

Very quickly, then, here are three biblically-based admonitions which ought to inform us how to react in the face of egregious error.


A Compulsion to Care


Of course I mean that we should care about the issues, proper, but I’m talking about something even deeper than that.

I’m talking about overcoming apathy; being compelled to care beyond one’s own whims or wishes, because the truth about reality matters. To care about the message of the gospel, and how it can help the broken people on both sides of these issues.

Ephesians 5:15-17 says,

See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.

The whole chapter (Ephesians 5) deals with the turning away from the former, sinful lives we once led (see Ephesians 5:8).

It’s important to rebuke sin in the culture, then, as many have done. But more than such issues being of moral importance, they are of gospel importance. Behavioral transformation is worthless, ultimately. Gospel transformation, on the other hand, brings behavioral transformation.

The murdering of children is nothing new, unfortunately. But we must realize that these folks are simply living out the logical and natural implications which accompany their worldview (see Romans 1).

Our job then is to take strides to compel them into a new worldview—not merely to adjust their moral behavior.


A Command to Bear


Many Christians today make the mistake of being absorbed into each and every new cultural trend; however, many Christians also make the opposite mistake of becoming disconnected.

Somewhere in between is the proper balance.

In other words, we do have a dictum to care for the oppressed and the marginalized and to help bear those burdens as God’s representatives on Earth.

Realizing that we are made in the image of God goes a long way toward understanding your responsibility to care for others. If all humankind is sacred—and it is—then we ought to care for, and love, others (even if we disagree with their choices).

1 John 4:8 spells it out quite clearly: “He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.”

As we struggle against indifference, may we always remember that it was Christ’s deep love for us that compelled him to say, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).


A Commitment to Share


Finally, if my first and second observations are correct, there is only one logical conclusion to the matter: sharing Christ with others.

You’ve heard that you must be “the hands of feet of Christ.” Perhaps this is what that looks like. Being willing to put yourself out there, and speak up, even when it’s very uncomfortable.

Remember—the real battle is not about preferences or politics; it’s about reality.

See, the danger of your (and my) silence is not that one political party or agenda gains power. It’s that reality—the way the world really, really is—is denied.

Your obligation to care, bear, and share is just the practical, loving outworking of your commitment to truth. Thus, a high regard for truth leaves us no alternative but to speak up.

No more sitting on the sidelines.

Questions? Feel free to comment below and start the discussion, or click the blue button on the right (desktop only) to ask a question with a voicemail. We will do our best to answer in an upcoming post. Thanks!

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