Steve's Book Progress
The Winsome Creationist
Devotional Productivity
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A SURPRISING Look at Noah’s Flood w/ Dr. Dustin Burlet
In the apologetics community, there's a lot of talk about the evidential aspects of Noah's flood. And in church, often the fact of God's judgment is emphasized. In this episode, I'm joined by Dr. Dustin Burlet who presents a...
How to Be Approachable as a Christian Ambassador
You know how Jesus talks a lot about sharing our faith with others, and yet when you’re in the grocery store, the notion of walking up to a stranger and asking about their eternal destiny seems really awkward and maybe even insensitive? My hand is raised. For a long...
Did Biblical Writers Copy PAGANS When Writing Genesis?
Hebrew Bible/Old Testament scholarship has undergone a major shift in recent decades. More and more, we hear that the Bible was written by just another culture in the ancient Near East, and that lots of borrowing and sharing...
New Potential Book Project: Need Your Thoughts, Ideas, and Input
The year was 2013, and one of my favorite preachers, CT Townsend, was on TV. If you’ve never him preach, you’re missing out! He’s an anointed man of God and one of my pastor’s cherished friends. “Isn’t that where you were when I left?” my wife Tiffany asked as she...
The connection between Genesis 6 and the Christmas story
Have you ever considered a linkage between the story of Christmas and Genesis 6? Likely not. But what if I told you there was an abundance of evidence that these events are linked in multiple ways that would have had...
If conversion does not always equal salvation, does salvation always equal conversion?
In a recent post, we discussed the notion that just because someone converts to Christianity, it does not mean they are “saved.” The primary reason for this is salvation is a work of God; conversion is a work of man. We know this because “conversion” can happen...
How to Respond When Atheists Quote the Bible Out of Context
One of the most frustrating things for any Christian is dealing with that particular brand of atheism that is slanderous and hateful. On the one hand, we often feel a sense of obligation to defend our Lord and levy a response to every objection. On the other, we...
5 Steps to Recognize and Refute Context Violations in Biblical Studies
Perhaps the greatest “sin” of Bible interpretation is to rip a passage, verse, or word out of its immediate context and use it to prove a point or apply a teaching to which it does not speak. Often, so-called “prosperity gospel” preachers will do this. Thanks for...
Can Your Stories and Ideas Ever Be TOO Big? – STORYWORLD
Can Your Stories and Ideas Ever Be TOO Big? Is it possible for a story to be literally larger than life? Listen in as Alex and Steve explore this topic - as usual - from a variety of perspectives. The world of "story" has...
The connection between creation and Christmas… | Part 1
The Christmas season is about far more than a baby in a manger. It's about the Second Person of the Trinity, taking on the form of human flesh. But of course, the Bible says the "Word" has to do not only with Christmas but...
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