Steve's Book Progress
The Winsome Creationist
Devotional Productivity
What's next?
Enduring in the Work
Note: This post makes mention of Ravi Zacharias. It is with a heavy heart that I must acknowledge a tragic independent report concerning evidence of sexual abuse and predatory behavior on the part of Ravi Zacharias. This man was a huge inspiration to me, as is evident...
Another Update (And Talking About Door Demons)
Hello, friends! It has been a short while since our last time together, and I wanted to pop in for a few moments to give an update, some announcements, and share with you a message I gave recently at church. Here are some important highlights/links you may want to...
The Accounts of History: The Truth About Bible “Stories”
Growing up in a profoundly Christian context, I was surrounded by Bible "stories." Much of my life can be expressed in terms of learning Bible stories to help me through different situations of life, as many of you can relate. To be perfectly clear, I LOVED this about...
The Watchers, Babel, and God’s “Choice” of Israel
Why did God choose Israel? Have you ever thought about that? Throughout the biblical record, we see an emphasis on God's choosing a people group. In the Hebrew Bible, his choice was Israel. In the New Testament, it is those who become the believing body---the church....
Modern Science ≠ General Revelation
In the origins debate, no shortage of ink has been spilled on the subject of the applicability of the Bible to science, and vice-versa. While most in this debate are well-meaning, I believe many sadly miss the mark. By failing to recognize the crucial distinction...
A SUPER Exciting Update About the Podcast
Hey guys! I sure hope this finds you doing well. If you've been listening along to the Bible Nerd Podcast for awhile and following along here on the blog, I want to say THANK YOU so much! I have an update for you---it's less than 5 minutes, so be sure to take a listen...
Holy War: The Theology of Baptism
It is generally indisputable that there are two primary "ordinances" the church has been given: Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Each of these has a particular spiritual significance; they are highly symbolic acts the believer participates in, in order to demonstrate...
Evangelism and Exponential Growth
We live in a day where the idea of evangelism has become taboo in some circles; and, where some see the need but feel overwhelming fear in sharing Christ with others. I think there’s a two-part remedy to these issues.
Daniel: A Portrait of Prayer, Power, and Prophecy
The book of Daniel gives multiple accounts of life during the Babylonian exile. In this week’s podcast and blog (which is more of a detailed outline), we explore some key concepts around the book of Daniel and discover how God used this man to change the world in his time.
Evolution and Abiogenesis: Different, or the Same?
Although evolution and abiogenesis are two very important parts of the origins conversation, there is often some confusion about how these relate to one another. Are they ultimately the same thing? Is there a distinction?
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