Steve's Book Progress
The Winsome Creationist
Devotional Productivity
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Why Critics Must Deal with Objections on Christian Terms
Too often when attempting to give a persuasive case for Christian values, I encounter critics who raise objections that are fundamentally based on the assumptions of their own view. This is logically inept, especially when done intentionally. In this video, I'll...
063: The Difference Between Uniformitarianism and the Uniformity of Nature
Our fundamental assumptions about the nature of reality, history, etc., will inevitably show up in our exploration of those things. But how do these assumptions affect our results? The answer to this question is the subject matter of today's podcast lesson. We realize...
Book Review: Faith Across the Multiverse
If ever there was a book that made me say, "Well...that was unexpected!" it has to be this one: Faith Across the Multiverse by computational biologist, Andy Walsh. Dr. Walsh is a force to be reckoned with, make no mistake. His vast array of knowledge spanning across...
062: How Does Science Relate to the Bible?
In a recent article I wrote for The Creation Club, I examined the major problem with "science vs. the Bible thinking." That discussion led naturally to another question I received recently. The question goes like this: "At what point would I allow modern science to...
Is the Bible Misogynistic?
As we experience the rise of feminism in our culture, It's become common among critics of the Bible to claim it is misogynistic (that is, demeaning, in some way, of women). Is this true? Does the Bible elevate the intrinsic worth of males to a level higher than that...
Protecting Your Precious Time: Practical Advice for Using Apple’s Screen Time Feature
This week, I have for you what may seem like an irrelevant blog post to the enterprise of Christianity. However, I don't believe anything could be further from the truth. The Apostle Paul exhorts us to "redeem the time" (Ephesians 5:15-16). We are not given much time...
061: The Elephant in the Room
This week marks the beginning of The Steve Schramm Show—the next step in the life of the ministry. I don’t want to give away too much, so go ahead and take a listen! In this lesson, you’ll learn: My motivation for using my personal name for the podcast and ministry....
Reader Question: What is God’s Relationship to Time?
One of my readers, Amy, asked the following question, and I thought my response would make a concise yet informative article: We often hear preachers say God doesn’t use time or something along those lines but yet the bible speaks of time throughout. Even the first...
TCA Lesson 060: How Does Science Work?
What exactly is science? And, how does it work? Does the scientific method require that we presuppose naturalism? Can one rationally affirm the validity of scientific exploration and the existence of God? We explore these questions and more in this episode of The...
Book Review: The Bible Among the Myths
Old Testament scholar John Oswalt delivers a much-needed and thoroughgoing treatment of a difficult, and important topic today: The Bible Among the Myths. It is common today for many to dismiss the claims of the Bible on the basis of the long-disproven claims of its...
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