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TCA Lesson 059: Impact Craters and Planet Migration w/ Wayne Spencer
In this lesson, we continue our series on the 2018 ICC. The last portion of the podcast is dedicated to discussing Spencer’s paper on planet migration, but first, we discuss the issue of cratering and Earth/solar system impacts with none than Wayne Spencer himself!...
Could You Be Wrong? A Quick Lesson in the Balance Between Dogmatism and an Open Mind
When it comes to understanding Scripture, there is not only a wide range of interpretations, but a wide range of interpretive grids to choose from. There are those who think the plain meaning of Scripture—taken at face value—should be the underlying premise of all...
TCA Lesson 058: The Current State of Creation Astronomy II
Much has happened in creationist astronomical research over the past two decades. In this first lesson of our new series, Selections from the 2018 ICC, we examine Faulkner's latest "State of Creation Astronomy" and consider the good, the bad, and ugly. In this lesson,...
The Noachian Deluge: Does Scripture Say Global, or Local?
Noah’s Flood is an interesting topic; however, some are not so convinced. For example, popular Christian apologist Greg Koukl has a video where he argues that the size of the Flood really doesn’t matter—put another way, he just doesn’t care. But Koukl misses the...
Question: What is the Role of Women in the Church?
Solomon asked via the voicemail link on our website: "Can women be pastors, plant churches, etc.? What is the role of women in the church?" In this video, we'll attempt to answer this question both biblically and thoughtfully.
Resistance is Futile–or Is It? A Basic Defense of Monergistic Molinism
For centuries, the reconciliation of God's sovereignty and creaturely freedom has been no small obsession of those who traffic in theological circles. To speak very generally, there are three basic approaches which have historically been pressed into service:...
TCA Lesson 057: BONUS: 5 Reasons Why Neanderthals Were Simply Humans
Our understanding of the existence and life of Neanderthals has been bolstered through new research in recent days. In this bonus lesson, we’re narrating an article written earlier this year which aims to demonstrate that evidence supports the contention that...
3 Reasons I Believe Jesus was a Young Age Creationist
A few weeks ago, I wrote an article arguing that the single most important aspect of apologetics is knowing what the Bible does and does not teach. So while we understand that there are certain issues we might label “secondary,” in the sense that they are not required...
TCA Lesson 056: Series 1 Wrap-Up! The Podcast Returns 9/27/18
This review lesson marks the end of our first official series, "The Destruction of Paradise." Listen in for a brief review of the past 5 weeks, along with a spoiler alert about what's ahead. The podcast returns on 9/27! Subscribe now so you don't miss it when it comes...
Book Review: Union with Christ: The Way to Know and Enjoy God
Every now and then I have a pleasure of reading a book I consider to be transformational and life-changing. Union with Christ by Rankin Wilbourne is one of those books, and I wanted to take a few moments this week to tell you about it. [A side note: This is the first...
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