Steve's Book Progress


The Winsome Creationist


Devotional Productivity


What's next?

If You Don’t Believe Earthly Things…?

This episode of the Winsome Creationist podcast focuses on refining the approach to discussing creationism, specifically addressing the use of logic in debates around creation and evolution. A tweet by Scott Aniol is...

Why is Satan on God’s Payroll in the Book of Job?

In this episode of 'My Strange Bible,' hosts Alex and Steve delve into the perplexing question of why Satan appears on God's payroll in the Book of Job. They discuss the notion of cognitive dissonance experienced by many...

Answering Some Questions About the ASC & CTC

Welcome back to the Winsome Creationist podcast! In this episode, Dr. Phil Dennis and I dive deep into the intricacies of relativistic physics and the nature of space-time intervals. Drawing on historical context and...

The Oldest Parable in the Bible | Judges 9:7-26

Join us as we dive into Part 2 of our study on the Bramble King, based on the biblical story of Abimelech. We delve into the fascinating concept of God using supernatural agencies, offering insights from First Kings 22. We...

A Hard Look at Biblical Inerrancy

In this episode, we discuss the concept of 'Inerrancy' in relation to the Bible, raising questions about its meaning, and how it applies to our understanding and interpretation of scripture. Join us as we navigate through...

Does the CTC Solution ACTUALLY Work?

In this episode of Winsome Creationist, the host is joined by Dr. Phil Dennis to discuss the Anisotropic Synchrony Convention and the concept of creation time coordinates. They delve deep into the implications of these...

Meet Steve

Meet Steve

Hi, I’m Steve, an author, speaker, and Bible teacher with a heart for exploring God’s Word and God’s world.

I’m interested in the surprising connection between creation, theology, business, and storytelling. We explore those themes and more on this blog.

Be sure to browse the site for faith-affirming articles, book reviews, and podcasts!

The Podcast

The Podcast

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