The One Question Critics of a Literal Genesis Need to Answer

May 8, 2021 | Apologetics, Creation, Podcast

When it comes to the very first chapters of the Bible, there is no shortage of disagreement about the meaning.

Some, like myself, think that Moses wrote these early chapters and that he intended to teach God’s creation of the world in terms of six, literal, 24 hour days. Others believe that while he did write that, that is not what he intended to teach.

Still others believe that’s not even what he wrote—or that he wasn’t even the writer!

So I have one simple question for those who take a view other than my own. Listen in to this week’s episode to find out what it is.

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Meet Steve

Hi, I’m Steve, an author, speaker, and Bible teacher with a heart for exploring God’s Word and God’s world.

I’m interested in the surprising connection between creation, theology, business, and storytelling. We explore those themes and more on this blog.

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