Week 9 — Conclusion: Knowing Where to Tinker

Jun 28, 2023 | Divine Council, Manuscripts/Outlines

Note: This manuscript is taken directly from my current small group series at church on Exploring the Unseen: The Supernatural World of the Bible. Contextual references to other lessons have been retained.


The main challenge of this book and Supernatural is not to read a different Bible, but to read the Bible differently—tinkering with one small element of the process on the front end and noticing what a large difference it can make by the time you are done. Experimenting with different interpretations allows us to understand the Bible more effectively.

To review the material covered in Supernatural, consider these five main points:


  1. Gods in the Bible are real, personal beings that exist in an unseen realm. They are not imaginary or false, and sometimes referred to as spirits, angels, or demons.
  2. Our Creator gave some of the gods unprecedented authority in our human experience, forming a divine council. They enact their will upon earthly subjects and receive worship from humans, which incites God’s jealousy and wrath.
  3. Jesus’ arrival signifies a cosmic war between God’s Son and the temporal rulers of our world. Demons recognized Jesus as the Messiah, while many humans were confused.
  4. The early church’s mission was to spread Jesus’ authority throughout the world. The Apostle Paul encouraged believers to apply Jesus’ lordship practically in daily life, while also recognizing the need for spiritual armor against the gods.
  5. The final theme is the end of all rule, authority, and power, as stated in 1 Corinthians 15:24. This end marks a new beginning for Christians, who will be resurrected with a new body and divine nature, experiencing a life similar to what Adam and Eve enjoyed in Eden.


What do we do with this information?

I. Our Identity – We Have a Home in the Family of God

A. Realizing the other gods are real changes our view of Christianity

  • God’s command to have no other god takes on new meaning
  • We were once enslaved to other gods but now adopted into God’s family


B. Salvation is about believing loyalty to God

  • Our behavior does not make us loyal enough for God
  • We follow God’s commands because we have chosen him


II. Our Purpose – We All Play a Part in God’s Plan to Restore Eden

A. Our membership in God’s family gives us a mission

  • To help expand God’s kingdom and reverse the effects of sin


B. Eden will live again through the spread of the gospel

  • Though we cannot perceive it, God’s kingdom is advancing
  • God is still working even when we cannot see it


C. Each of us has a vital role to play

  • We may never know why or how, but our actions matter
  • Walking by faith means living purposefully


In summary, the key points of the chapter are:

  1. Realizing the reality of other gods changes how we see our identity in Christ
  2. Our purpose is to participate in God’s mission to restore Eden through the gospel
  3. Each of us has a vital role to play in God’s unseen purposes, even if we do not see the results of our actions.


Your study of the Bible is only just beginning. Thank you for taking part in this journey, and may God be glorified through your walk with Jesus Christ.



  1. How does this worldview change your view of the Bible (or how you read it), if at all?
  2. Do you find yourself in agreement with most of what has been shared?
  3. Of what we have covered, what did you find particularly striking and/or do you strongly agree or disagree with?




(If none, some fun miscellany):

  • Aliens and demons
  • Are angels able to procreate?
    • Matthew 22:30 (KJV 1900)
      30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
  • Polytheism?
    • Monotheism: This is the belief in a single, all-powerful deity who is usually seen as the creator and ruler of the universe. Monotheists believe that their God is unique and there are no other gods.
    • Polytheism: This is the belief in multiple gods, each of whom typically has a specific domain or aspect of life that they govern. Gods in a polytheistic system can often interact, conflict, and even have relationships like families.
    • Henotheism: This is the belief in multiple gods but the worship of one. In other words, while a henotheist acknowledges the existence of multiple deities, they choose to worship one particular god who is usually considered supreme.
    • Biblical Monotheism: Ancient Israelites believed in the existence of many gods, but Yahweh was seen as the supreme and unique creator God among all others in the divine council. These other gods or divine beings are ontologically lesser, subservient to Yahweh, and are not to be worshipped. This view recognizes a multiplicity of divine beings while insisting on the worship and supremacy of a single God. This view is sometimes called monolatry, the recognition of the existence of many gods but with the consistent worship of only one deity.
  • Reversing Hermon

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Hi, I’m Steve, an author, speaker, and Bible teacher with a heart for exploring God’s Word and God’s world.

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