Faith-Affirming Articles on the Truth of Christianity

Do Miracles Happen?

Do Miracles Happen?

Do miracles happen? One of the primary reasons people take issue with religious thought is that it almost necessarily involves a concept of the miraculous—an offensive idea to one living in the 21st century West. We’ve got it all figured out, right?

“Because I said so!”

“Because I said so!”

The world is a pretty crazy place right now. COVID-19 has people up in arms, and even within the Christian community, opinions vary so much.
One thing that consistently comes up in times like these is how much trust, if any, we should place in the “experts” giving us advice.

How Can I Know I’m Saved?

How Can I Know I’m Saved?

Without a doubt, one of the most important questions one can ask is, “How can I know I’m saved?” In many ways, this is the most basic question a person can ask! And yet, the question is actually quite complex. As we explore a biblical answer to this question, it may be as good a time as any to reflect honestly on your answer.

Meet Steve

Meet Steve

Hi, I’m Steve, an author, speaker, and Bible teacher with a heart for exploring God’s Word and God’s world.

I’m interested in the surprising connection between creation, theology, business, and storytelling. We explore those themes and more on this blog.

Be sure to browse the site for faith-affirming articles, book reviews, and podcasts!

The Podcast

The Podcast