Faith-Affirming Articles on the Truth of Christianity

066: God and the World of Insects w/ Josh Shoemaker and Dr. Gary Braness (Part 1)
Perhaps there is no one more qualified than Josh Shoemaker and Dr. Gary Braness, with advanced degrees and certifications in apologetics, chemistry, and entomology (the study of insects) to shed light on the largely unexplored territory of God and the world of...

On the Place of Evidence in Presuppositional Apologetics
If there's one thing I've learned in my time studying theology and apologetics, it's that there is much division within different camps of Christian belief. This is not necessarily bad, nor is it unexpected (Matthew 10:34), but it does complicate things. As such,...

Will God Answer us, and Show us Great and Mighty Things, if We Call Unto Him?
How do we know if a verse from the Old Testament---or even the New Testament---applies to you and me? Consider an example from Jeremiah 33:3. The verse says, "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." Is this...

065: 7 Ways to Identify a Bad Argument (Part 2)
When someone presents a claim or an objection to a claim you've made, are you able to spot the "fly in the ointment"? Bad arguments, unfortunately, run amuck in both Christian and non-Christian circles. Sometimes it's obvious when an argument is bad, but sometimes...

Do I Have to Choose Between God and Fun?
All too often, those who are urged to consider Christianity refuse to on the basis that they can no longer have "fun" if they serve God. Of course, this is a completely subjective response which depends entirely on how the word "fun" is defined. That said, the Bible...

064: 7 Ways to Identify a Bad Argument (Part 1)
When someone presents a claim or an objection to a claim you've made, are you able to spot the "fly in the ointment"? Bad arguments, unfortunately, run amuck in both Christian and non-Christian circles. Sometimes it's obvious when an argument is bad, but sometimes...

Why Critics Must Deal with Objections on Christian Terms
Too often when attempting to give a persuasive case for Christian values, I encounter critics who raise objections that are fundamentally based on the assumptions of their own view. This is logically inept, especially when done intentionally. In this video, I'll...

063: The Difference Between Uniformitarianism and the Uniformity of Nature
Our fundamental assumptions about the nature of reality, history, etc., will inevitably show up in our exploration of those things. But how do these assumptions affect our results? The answer to this question is the subject matter of today's podcast lesson. We realize...

Book Review: Faith Across the Multiverse
If ever there was a book that made me say, "Well...that was unexpected!" it has to be this one: Faith Across the Multiverse by computational biologist, Andy Walsh. Dr. Walsh is a force to be reckoned with, make no mistake. His vast array of knowledge spanning across...

062: How Does Science Relate to the Bible?
In a recent article I wrote for The Creation Club, I examined the major problem with "science vs. the Bible thinking." That discussion led naturally to another question I received recently. The question goes like this: "At what point would I allow modern science to...