Faith-Affirming Articles on the Truth of Christianity

Are Some Sins Worse Than Others?
Sometimes, it can be difficult to convey the idea of sin to someone in a conversation. The truth is, most people don’t realize what sin is. I’ve heard it asked, is hell hotter for some than it is for others? We explore that question in this video.

Blessed…by Whom?
Have your ever spoken to professing unbelievers who appear to be grateful, thankful, and blessed? It strikes me as odd that you can be blessed in any sense other than BY SOMEONE for SOMETHING. But, absent God, who is the unbeliever thankful to?

Answering Abortion: The S.L.E.D. Test
Have you ever had your pro life convictions challenged? Wouldn’t you like to be able to respond in a gracious, yet conclusive manner to argue your position? Find out how I answer pro choice advocates using this quick, four-step test.

Good Evidence for Evolution?
I'm often asked why, if the evidence for evolution is so good, why I am still a creationist. Of course, I'm a creationist because the Bible says I ought to be! But how does that square with the scientific evidence? Can a Christian maintain that there is good evidence...

TCA Lesson 029: Darwin and Favored Races: The Loss of Humanity in our Culture (BOH Series)
What does the world look like when its leaders and key influencers hold to evolutionary ideas? In the so-called "struggle for life," only the strongest survive. Is this teaching consistent with the idea that "all lives matter," we should "care for our fellow man," and...

Aberrant Christianity: What is a Jehovah’s Witness?
The first chapter in John’s gospel gives us clear insight into the Person of Jesus Christ. In verses John 1:1-3, we find these words: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things...

TCA Lesson 028: Does Believing in Billions of Years and/or Evolution Affect Someone’s Salvation?
Can one to go heaven and believe in evolution/billions of years? This week, I analyze a recent debate which proposed that question. The Bible seems pretty clear as to the requirements for a soul to be saved. But perhaps there’s more to it? Listen this week to find out...

Quick Response: Are Thoughts and Prayers Enough During Times of Tragedy?
It is no surprise that we live in a culture that has forgotten God, redefined morality, and suddenly is wondering "what went wrong?" As a Christian living in the world today, we expect this! Jesus Himself taught that we should expect to see times of tremendous...

TCA Lesson 027: The Anatomy of the Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (BOH Series)
In the conventional history of mankind, we share a distant common ancestor with other hominids--namely, apes. But does this hold up from an anatomical perspective? Or is there is good evidence of a distinct difference in design? Dr. Stuart Burgess seems to think so....

Aberrant Christianity: What is Mormonism?
Ephesians 6:12 teaches us, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Throughout the centuries, and even since Christ was...