Faith-Affirming Articles on the Truth of Christianity

TCA Lesson 021: Placing Adam in Humanity’s History (BOH Series)
In the evolutionary timescale, humanity came on the scene about 100,000 to 400,000 years ago, depending on who you ask. But the Bible seems to record an entirely different chronology. Is there any evidence—biblical or otherwise—that mankind is only around 6,000 years...

10 Important Lessons Christians can Learn from Steve Urkel
I'm sure you're wondering why, on a Christian Apologetics blog, you are reading a post about Steve Urkel. No worries--I find myself wondering why I am writing it, even as I type the words! That said, my family and I have been re-watching the hit 90's show Family...

TCA Lesson 020: Where Did We Lose Adam? (BOH Series)
Is Adam all but gone but gone from the Church today? Many church leaders claim there is no need for a historical Adam and that he never existed. Others believe that he existed, but is not necessary to explain the human condition and that if he doesn’t exist after all,...

5 Biblical Steps to a Great New Year
As 2017 draws to an immediate close, it would be instructive for us, as Christians, to step into the future and begin to pray about and look towards 2018. It's unfortunate that regularly practicing apologetics often leaves us in the clouds, as it were. That is, we...

TCA Lesson 019: Adam, the New Testament, and the Church (BOH Series)
This week we're examing Adam, the New Testament, and the Church. Were the NT writers and church fathers convinced of Adam’s historicity? Despite the fact that many attempt to support an old earth and even an allegorical Adam by appealing to writers throughout the...

How Should Christian Families Handle Santa Claus?
As an apologist, I often try to write on and address a wide range of issues. Sometimes, it is the most subtle of these issues that have the most profound impact on our culture. It's for that I reason I feel we must take a serious look at the issue of Santa Claus and...

TCA Lesson 018: Adam According to the Old Testament (BOH Series)
Please note that I had several audio malfunctions with the original upload. For best results, please delete your current copy of this episode if using an application which automatically downloads new podcast episodes when available, and re-download. If you have...

Responding to an Old Earth Argument: Are the Days in Genesis Actually Long Ages?
This article is written as a response to another blogger's article which deals with the age of the earth. In it, she suggests that the Earth is actually very old in accordance with secular dating methods, and claims her reasons have a sufficient basis in the writings...

TCA Lesson 017: Is Adam the Real Deal? (New Series-The Biblical Origin of Humanity)
There is an unfortunate and disturbing trend amongst evangelicals today. In a world where some of the leading atheist philosophers and even many mainstream scientists are retreating from the idea of biological evolution over millions of years, much of the church has...

On the Nature of In-House Debates
In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus said, "I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." I realize the context of that verse is a bit different, but I think we can draw a meaningful application here. As a personal policy, I do not regularly have "in-house"...