Confidence for the Christian | A Challenge for the Skeptic

Did Early Christians Practice Socialism or Communism?
To the chagrin of many Christians today, it may be surprising to learn that some scholars and laypersons have, throughout history, used to the Bible to justify belief in systems of socialism and even communism. ((See here, for example:...

RANT: Creation Frustration
Young age creationists may be some of the most misunderstood people in Christendom. In this week’s episode, we discuss some of the core differences that surround the divide. Recently, a Facebook friend of mine (and good brother in Christ) raised a startling...

Join the Bible Nerd Society!
Why subscribe? The Bible Nerd Society is a group of intensely passionate Bible-believers. We explore the world of the Bible, endeavor to fall more in love with Jesus every day, and build a thoughtful defense for the Christian worldview. We study topics including...

The Rejected Messiah (John 1:10-11)
One of the most poignant ideas found in the Bible is the theme of rejection of the Messiah. But the blow is worsened by the fact that, in a biblical worldview, rejection of the Messiah is inextricably linked with rejection of the Creator of the cosmos. Much like the...

The “New” Objective Morality
The final days of the 20th century and beginning days of the 21st were rife with socio-political drama. But they marked “the beginning of the end” for a trend that used to prevalent in Western society—“relativism.” Now, I can hear some of you objecting already. These...

Jesus, the Life and the Light (John 1:4-9)
In the Book of John, we are introduced to the Word, who we find out is also the Creator. John continues his logic in denoting that, within the Word, is life. And, whatever that “life” is, it is also the light of men. While these are familiar verses of Scripture, what...

Jesus as Creator—and Sustainer—Of All Things (John 1:3)
When we think of the name “Jesus” any number of images immediately come to mind. We think of Jesus as the One who died for us. We think of him as the Lord of all and Savior-King. We think of him as the baby, lying in a manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes. But what...

Jesus, the Word (John 1:1-2)
John chapter 1 introduces us to the Person of Jesus…as the Second Person of the Trinity: The Word. In Greek, the word is logos, meaning “word” or “message.” When we endeavor to dive deeper into the text, we find some amazing things, including: How the trinity solves...

Productive dialogue begins with a truthful premise
Have you ever found yourself in a conversation that was going absolutely nowhere? No matter what you do, no matter how clear or convincingly you think you’ve made your case, still, your interlocutor is unconvinced. In recent days I shared with you some information...

IMPORTANT: Everything you need to know about Critical Race Theory
I have to admit—I was shocked. Don’t get me wrong, I understand that we are living in quite a volatile cultural moment… I also understand that most people—sadly, even many Christians—are walking around with an unbiblical worldview. But Critical Race Theory is an...