This is a bit of a different blog post than I would normally write, but nevertheless, I actually think it is extremely important. The pursuit of knowledge is important to me. As Dr. Harry Truman once famously said, “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are...
4 Key Reasons for Joy in the Life of a Christian
All throughout the ages, the inner workings of the Christian life have been questioned. Motives have been put on trial, and Christians have been literally burned at the stake and beheaded for the beliefs they claim. Everybody wants to know why. Many believe they have...
Is Child-Like Faith Gullibility in Disguise, or Something More?
The Bible seems to make a big deal out of something called "child-like faith." But is this merely some sort of childish faith--or is there something more to it? My wife and I are currently raising two little boys--a 5-month-old and a 19th-month-old. They don't know...
Why are Christians so Concerned with Marriage?
The marriage debate is at the forefront of our culture right now, but does our culture even have a proper understanding of marriage? Followers of Jesus would say, "No!" My wife and I are currently watching a TV show on Hulu called "Saving Hope." It's a pretty good...
What Charlottesville Means for Sharing your Christian Faith
This is a quick response to the events of the past few days in Charlottesville, VA. I believe there are some serious implications of an event such as this on the task of apologetics. Our prayers are with the lives and families of those who were affected by this...
5 Truths a Recent Illness Taught Me About the Christian Life
Bad things happen to good people, right? This is something we all know and can identify with. Here’s the catch: we never expect to be the person the bad things happen to—we always see ourselves on the other side of the coin. Recently, a 3-week sickness and 5-day...
3 Practical Reasons Why You Should Read The Bible More Than The News
We all get caught up in the hustle and bustle. Media companies have worked hard for the last decade to make sure bad news is more accessible to us than ever before. The reasoning is simple - bad news sells! Panic sells! Check out the "Trending" section on Twitter or...
What Should a Christian Do When Joy Seems Impossible?
Part of the Christian life is experiencing pain, suffering, and even tragedy. It can be hard to navigate these feelings, and even harder to make sense of why life seems to "unfair." Unfortunately, teachers who have left biblical doctrine and subscribed to false...
5 Ways to Take your Bible Study to the Next Level
No doubt, God's revelation to us through His Word has changed your life and mine in the most significant of ways. As I grow in the knowledge of God, it becomes even more evident that no amount of Scripture study can possibly lead to fullness of understanding. That...
Why I Use the Term “Unbeliever” Instead of “Atheist”
When I first started getting interested in Apologetics, I found a recurring theme. It seemed like every apologist and writer out there was using the term "Atheist" to describe those who were opposed to the idea of Christianity. As a result, I quickly found myself...