TCA Lesson 035: A Universe From Nothing?

TCA Lesson 035: A Universe From Nothing?

In an attempt to explain the universe without God, Dr. Lawrence Krauss and others have argued that, indeed, the universe came into existence on its own--yes, a universe from nothing! Does this theory hold up? In this lesson, you’ll learn: The actual definition of...

TCA Lesson 030: Who Was Ancient Man? (BOH Series)

TCA Lesson 030: Who Was Ancient Man? (BOH Series)

If the evolutionary story is true, we should expect to find a very different history of humanity than the one we actually observe. The truth is, there are many ancient marvels that our engineers and scientists have difficulty reproducing today! Does the Christian...

Meet Steve

Meet Steve

Hi, I’m Steve, an author, speaker, and Bible teacher with a heart for exploring God’s Word and God’s world.

I’m interested in the surprising connection between creation, theology, business, and storytelling. We explore those themes and more on this blog.

Be sure to browse the site for faith-affirming articles, book reviews, and podcasts!

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