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The Winsome Creationist
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Join me for the 2020 Creation Celebration
The Core Academy of Science, led by Dr. Todd Wood, has been instrumental in terms of my growth as a creationist and—frankly—as a Christian. Todd is a pretty well-known figure in the “New Creationism” I’m always harping about. In fact, he is one the leading researchers...
Mark and Avoid
Yesterday, I released a podcast episode about creationist cancel culture. I figured I would follow up with some thinking around the concept of marking and avoiding false teachers, as we’re instructed to do in Romans 16:17. It says this: Now I beseech you, brethren,...
Creationist Cancel Culture
Have you ever heard of cancel culture? It’s a shame that this thinking has often drifted into the church. In this episode of the Bible Nerd Podcast, I spend a couple minutes dealing with an example I’ve seen of creationist “cancel culture” and what we can do to be...
The Consistency of Young Age Creationism
Last week my family took an impromptu vacation to Kentucky to see the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter. We went about three years ago, and now that the kids are a bit older, we thought it might be a bit more fun and even a bit educational. We were right! They...
Truth As Polemic
In response to my blog yesterday, a reader and friend responded with some thoughts of his own. One struck my attention…it seems obvious, but I had never really thought about it before. The observation is that truth always functions as a polemic against what is false....
How to Do Biblical Theology Without Sacrificing “Literal” Truth
As I have expanded my horizons a bit and start learning from teachers who don’t always fit within my theological “comfort zone,” I have found an…interesting…phenomena that seems to be a result of bad thinking. I love the theology of the Hebrew Bible. More and more, I...
Walt Disney: Theologian, Unaware
Lately, I have been quite intrigued by the work of Walt Disney. As a visionary entrepreneur, I’m interested in how folks like him pushed the boundaries of what was thought possible. What may surprise you, though, is how he was unknowingly an important theological...
Suddenly, all my coffee was on the floor…
The other day, I spilled my coffee on the floor first thing. Okay…pretty small problem right. I mean, c’mon. And, I get that. People have it much worse in the world. Actually, that’s my point. In a world full of sin and suffering, we often times make a HUGE deal out...
Loss, Peace, and the Folly of Running Away
Just 19 years ago on Saturday, I lost my dad to the “C” word. I was about 12 years old. It was an otherwise…normal night. My mom had just put me down for my bed in my red, double-bunk bed. (I’m an only child…but since I was a tad bit spoiled, I had the bunk bed I had...
Biblical Endurance
And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved. - Matthew 10:22 One theme of the biblical story is that of endurance. We talked about this a bit yesterday, and it’s something that has caught my attention in a fresh...
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