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The Winsome Creationist
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Does Watching an Actor Portray Christ Violate the Second Commandment?
A friend of mine recently mentioned a lament, regretting having seen The Passion of the Christ, for fear that this was a violation of the second commandment. I applaud him for his willingness to share this, but I shared with him that while I thought his motive and thinking were sound, this would not be a second commandment violation.
How to Love the Bible: New Book Coming Soon! (And a Sneak Peak)
In a world where we ostensibly have everything we need, folks are offended at the idea that they even need a Savior. Sadly, some of this mentality has bled over into the church. Many Christians today don’t love their Bibles, and I want to help change that.
Should Christians Study the Hebrew and Greek Texts of the Bible Today?
Much time, money, and effort is given to the process of discovering the accurate reading and understanding of biblical texts. With the availability of God’s Word in unprecedented abundance, a question is raised in the minds of many Christians today—is it important to study the original languages of the Bible?
Atheism and the Problem of Bad Theology
Part of the problem when sharing your faith with biblical skeptics is that, more often than not, they have little training in biblical theology, which often results in their having a bad theology. But Christians can be guilty of this, too! Here’s the nature of the problem, and some steps toward overcoming it.
SPECIAL EDITION: Evidence for the Resurrection
This week, I’m excited to release this special edition of the podcast, which features an interview between myself and a friend of mine, Aaron Simpkins, on the True Strength Life podcast. We had a fabulous discussion about the evidence for the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
What Does it Mean to Call on the Name of the Lord?
“The name of the Lord” is a phrase used throughout Scripture by multiple different authors. I wonder if we truly grasp what it really means, though, to call upon his name? I get the sense that this is one of those ideas that has been cliché in Christian culture, such that its true meaning and/or significance is actually lost among those who are familiar with it.
Reading the Bible may be a bad thing. Here’s why.
That Christians should spend time reading the Bible is, itself, uncontroversial. But just how should we read the Bible? Is there a “best” way?
What Makes Having Kids Worth It? A Biblical Answer to the Wrong Question.
In our world, kids are treated as though they are an inconvenience. They are an “add-on” that some parents find nice to have, and others would rather not. This is not a biblical view of children.
Don’t Be Afraid to Go Against the Grain—That’s What Jesus Did
The path to destruction is lined with those going with the grain. It’s easy to go along with the world into destruction. But the path to righteousness, the narrow path, is lined by those who, like Jesus, decide to go against the grain of society, sex, and self.
What is the Nature of Conversion?
When does conversion take place in a person’s life? What evidence will be demonstrated when this happens? For how long is a person saved? Let’s tackle these questions and more.
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