Steve's Book Progress


The Winsome Creationist


Devotional Productivity


What's next?

What About Those Strange Bible Stories?

What About Those Strange Bible Stories?

In the Bible (but the Old Testament especially), we’re presented with stories that seem…well, odd. What are we to do with these? Well, not only do I think they are biblically defensible and, for the most part, even historically accurate; I also think they tell us significantly more than most think.

The Power of Asking Good Questions

The Power of Asking Good Questions

Many times, good questions are the best way to get to the bottom of what people believe. Since we don’t have access to their hearts, we need to pry, probe, and ask them to prove why what they believe is true, lest we get caught having to give reasons for claims we haven’t even made!

Careful Conversations: Watch Out for Rhetoric

Careful Conversations: Watch Out for Rhetoric

Yet another danger when seeking to have meaningful encounters with others is to watch out for when mere rhetoric is being propagated, rather than facts. These days, you'll find that even much information that seems prima facie compelling is based on nothing more than...

Introducing Theology on the Road

Introducing Theology on the Road

I am BEYOND excited to announce a new podcast from our ministry called Theology on the Road! Links: Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify PocketCasts I hope you'll join me on this adventure!  

103: Part 2 – What is Young Earth Creationism?

103: Part 2 – What is Young Earth Creationism?

The other week I was privileged to be interviewed by David Pallman for his new YouTube channel, Faith Because of Reason. In this interview, I was given the opportunity to share young age creationism with an audience of folks who mostly disagree with it, and even...

Meet Steve

Meet Steve

Hi, I’m Steve, an author, speaker, and Bible teacher with a heart for exploring God’s Word and God’s world.

I’m interested in the surprising connection between creation, theology, business, and storytelling. We explore those themes and more on this blog.

Be sure to browse the site for faith-affirming articles, book reviews, and podcasts!

The Podcast

The Podcast

As Featured In…

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