Steve's Book Progress
The Winsome Creationist
Devotional Productivity
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Is There Any Evidence for the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus?
"And if Christ be not raised," the Apostle Paul said, "your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins." He continues, "Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished. If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable." This...
TCA Lesson 014: 5 Takeaways from The Creation Museum/Ark Encounter
Recently, my family and I took a trip to the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter in Kentucky. This popular attraction, by the awesome folks at Answers in Genesis, is a great place to take the family for a getaway. It was nice, for a change, to have a vacation...
5 Reasons Christians Should Listen to Apologetics Podcasts
This is a bit of a different blog post than I would normally write, but nevertheless, I actually think it is extremely important. The pursuit of knowledge is important to me. As Dr. Harry Truman once famously said, “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are...
TCA Lesson 013: 3 Steps to Becoming an Informed Biblical Creationist
Last week, we dealt with arguments creationists shouldn't use. To expand on that, we think anyone can use a simple, three-step process to become a well-informed Biblical creationist. Leaving out even just one of these steps can potentially lead you into erroneous...
4 Reasons You Might Be Doing Evangelism Wrong
For many, one of the biggest challenges of being a Christian is simply sharing what you believe! As an introvert, I can especially relate to this! I find it hard to witness in a way that is unnatural to my personality style, and thanks to this book, have embraced my...
TCA Lesson 012: Creation Arguments You Should Probably Stop Considering
A fundamental scientific concept is that it is always changing. Since creationism is not anti-science, we must acknowledge this in order to remain consistent! Of course, old and/or bad scientific arguments have no effect on whether or not the Bible is true. It simply...
Epigenetics for the Rest of Us: Does it help the Creationist’s Case Against Evolution?
Every day, more and more scientific discoveries are unveiling the mind and ways of our omnipotent Creator. While science can never hope to uncover the ways of God, since they are "higher than ours" (Isaiah 55:9), science can help us better understand God's world in...
TCA Lesson 011: Why Creationists Should Be EXCITED About New Mainstream Discoveries
"Doom and gloom" creationism is out; the New Creationism is in! For so long, creationists have been known more for what we are against, rather than what we are for. This should change! Look--we all realize the bankruptcy of evolution theory. And, that is something we...
My Journey from Evidential to Presuppositional Apologetics
Apologetics, as a theological discipline, has been practiced in a variety of ways over the years. However, in order to paint with a broad brush, there are two overarching types: Evidential and Presuppositional. The former is a plea to what may be called "natural...
TCA Lesson 010: Flood Myths and Dates vs. the Biblical Account
When you think of the Biblical Flood account, have you ever wondered if there is cultural evidence for such a deluge outside of the Bible? As it turns out, there are over 500 flood myths and legends worldwide! We're going to look at the similarities, differences, and...
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