Faith-Affirming Articles on the Truth of Christianity

Careful Conversations: Craft Sound Arguments
The third theme I noticed in my attempts to create careful conversations with those who disagree had to do with the structure of my arguments themselves. The truth is you won't get very far in conversations with others if they don't consider you a sound "debate"...

Careful Conversations: Watch Out for Rhetoric
Yet another danger when seeking to have meaningful encounters with others is to watch out for when mere rhetoric is being propagated, rather than facts. These days, you'll find that even much information that seems prima facie compelling is based on nothing more than...

Careful Conversations: Focus on the Position, not the Person
Throughout my time in Christian ministry, I have yet to become known as an expert in any particular field. That said, I have gained a reputation for being somewhat of a "peacemaker" in hostile waters. Creationism and presuppositionalism, for example, are both hotly...

“I Don’t Know, and You Don’t Either!” — Confronting Science of the Gaps
The tables are turning in the case of an oft-parroted accusation against biblical theists. I'm speaking about the familiar "God of the Gaps" argument. The kind folks over at RationalWiki provide the following explanation: God of the gaps (or a divine fallacy) is a...

Human and Animal Relationships: A Evolutionary Worldview or Biblical Worldview
This is a guest contribution made by my good friend and co-laborer for the Lord, Pat Mingarelli. Did you ever wonder why we own pets? Or why do we care about environmental and wildlife causes? And why do so many want to chip in and care for the environment or...

103: Part 2 – What is Young Earth Creationism?
The other week I was privileged to be interviewed by David Pallman for his new YouTube channel, Faith Because of Reason. In this interview, I was given the opportunity to share young age creationism with an audience of folks who mostly disagree with it, and even...

102: Part 1 – What is Young Earth Creationism?
The other week I was privileged to be interviewed by David Pallman for his new YouTube channel, Faith Because of Reason. In this interview, I was given the opportunity to share young age creationism with an audience of folks who mostly disagree with it, and even...

101: Does Young Age Creationism Destroy the Faith of Young Christians?
A fairly recent article written by a well-known apologist claims that young age creationism destroys the faith of young people, but I think his claim is misguided and wrongheaded. What does the Bible say about the nature of faith? When we examine closely, it appears...

100: The Glory and Enjoyment of God
What is the chief end of man? According to the Westminster Shorter Catechism, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and enjoy him forever.” But what does that mean for us? The Bible is clear (see Revelation 4:11) that we are created for God and his glory. Thus, we can...

099: Not Convinced ≠ No Evidence
When evaluating the evidence for Christian truth claims, many skeptics assert there simply is no evidence. What can we make of such an assessment? When folks talk about evidence (whether atheist, Christian, or otherwise), they often make the mistake of relegating the...