A couple of weeks ago, I interviewed Marc Lambert of the Hey, Pastor! Podcast on how to argue for young age creationism without an appeal to Genesis 1. This was an eye-opening discussion for many, but the question was left open as to what Genesis 1 can actually tell...
089: From Jesus to Genesis w/ Marc Lambert
What if we could argue for the age of the earth without ever mentioning Genesis 1? Anyone who regularly argues for the truth of young age creationism will greatly appreciate this helpful lesson from host of the Hey, Pastor! podcast, Marc Lambert. In this episode, Marc...
088: The Odd Thing About Theistic Evolution
There's no doubt that theistic evolutionism---or, as their preferred moniker has it---evolutionary creationism, is on the rise. I could give numerous anecdotal reasons for this, but I'm not inclined to opine on the reasons for the wider trend. In this episode, I...
Coming to Grips with History: A Response to Luke Nix and Cross Examined
A talented blogger, Luke Nix of Faithful Thinkers is an up-and-coming apologist whose work has, from time to time, caught the attention of those responsible for sharing content on the popular Cross Examined blog. Recently, he has taken to task (as others have in the...
086: Darwin Devolves w/ Dr. Michael Behe
Dr. Michael Behe is one of the world's foremost defenders of Intelligent Design theory---the notion that the biological project is not one of random selection and mutation, but rather, the purposeful arrangement of parts by a superior intelligence. His latest book,...
084: Thoughts on “The Quest” by Todd Wood
Few creationists are as misunderstood as biologist and head of the Core Academy of Science, Dr. Todd Wood. Wood is a adamant defender of young age creationism and has completed two books in recent days that help to clarify his position and also share his position with...
074: A Young Age Creationist Explanation for the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation?
Over the past few decades, there have been a number of young age creationist suggestions for a some important questions raised by Genesis 1. For example, what was the nature of the firmament? If the heavens were created in Verse 1 (Day 1), how were they given the same...
073: (Part 2) Distant Starlight and Creation Time Coordinates
Last week we began discussing a brand new solution to the so-called "distant starlight problem" facing young age creationists. A face value interpretation of Scripture suggests that the cosmos is young. Last week's discussion mentioned, in brief, a few of the...
072: (Part 1) Distant Starlight and Creation Time Coordinates
Have you ever been stumped by the distant starlight problem? [If you're not familiar, in brief, the distant starlight problem (also known as the light travel time problem) is the thesis that young age creationism cannot be true because light from distant stars would...
067: God and the World of Insects w/ Josh Shoemaker and Dr. Gary Braness (Part 2)
Perhaps there is no one more qualified than Josh Shoemaker and Dr. Gary Braness, with advanced degrees and certifications in apologetics, chemistry, and entomology (the study of insects) to shed light on the largely unexplored territory of God and the world of...