Steve's Book Progress


The Winsome Creationist


Devotional Productivity


What's next?

Disagreement on the merits…not the man

Disagreement on the merits…not the man

Today’s is a fairly simple lesson in logic and careful thinking. Doesn’t it frustrate the living daylights out of you when someone lambasts a person for what they believe instead of dealing carefully with their belief itself? Now, to be sure… There is a time and a...

5 P’s to lead your family well

5 P’s to lead your family well

There I was….feeling like a failure… Once again, I FORGOT to read the Bible with my kids at bedtime. I forgot…or I was “too busy.” Which is a pretty lame excuse considering I’m adamant about keeping the commitments I make. Nevertheless, I break that one far too often....

What we love, we’ll defend

What we love, we’ll defend

When we really love something, it’s not hard to defend it. For example: Your family. Wouldn’t you defend your family if they were being falsely accused or afflicted? Your freedom. When push comes to shove, many of us stand and fight for the freedom we enjoy here in...

The Bible and Phenomenology

The Bible and Phenomenology

To the extent possible, I want you to place yourself in the shoes of the ancient Hebrew writer. You have no “modern” scientific knowledge. You don’t know that stars are balls of gas. You don’t know how big the world really is, etc. (That is NOT to say they were...

What is God teaching you right now?

What is God teaching you right now?

Today, I want to hear from you! Is there something in particular you are learning right now? Something God is teaching you through study and/or prayer? To the extent possible, I want to keep a pulse on those God has tasked me with serving. It’s so much easier to know...

Join me for the 2020 Creation Celebration

Join me for the 2020 Creation Celebration

The Core Academy of Science, led by Dr. Todd Wood, has been instrumental in terms of my growth as a creationist and—frankly—as a Christian. Todd is a pretty well-known figure in the “New Creationism” I’m always harping about. In fact, he is one the leading researchers...

Mark and Avoid

Mark and Avoid

Yesterday, I released a podcast episode about creationist cancel culture. I figured I would follow up with some thinking around the concept of marking and avoiding false teachers, as we’re instructed to do in Romans 16:17. It says this: Now I beseech you, brethren,...

Creationist Cancel Culture

Creationist Cancel Culture

Have you ever heard of cancel culture? It’s a shame that this thinking has often drifted into the church. In this episode of the Bible Nerd Podcast, I spend a couple minutes dealing with an example I’ve seen of creationist “cancel culture” and what we can do to be...

The Consistency of Young Age Creationism

The Consistency of Young Age Creationism

Last week my family took an impromptu vacation to Kentucky to see the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter. We went about three years ago, and now that the kids are a bit older, we thought it might be a bit more fun and even a bit educational. We were right! They...

Meet Steve

Meet Steve

Hi, I’m Steve, an author, speaker, and Bible teacher with a heart for exploring God’s Word and God’s world.

I’m interested in the surprising connection between creation, theology, business, and storytelling. We explore those themes and more on this blog.

Be sure to browse the site for faith-affirming articles, book reviews, and podcasts!

The Podcast

The Podcast

As Featured In…

As Featured In…